Okay, so I think we all know I was going to love this movie, even if it was just Chris Hemsworth sitting on a chair in the middle of an empty room for two hours. Fully clothed. But even I was surprised! This movie is GOOD. It's funny and cute and full of explodey action. There's daddy angst and brothercest and pretty people EVERYWHERE. A whole lot of my ticky boxes ticked off right there. And there's also heart. I'm not going to tell you it was all deep and shit, but I cared about the characters and was engrossed in the story and it was an above average superhero movie. Probably my favourite of all the Marvel films, in fact. (But this is coming from a DC girl at heart.)
+ Loved the score. I must find that soundtrack ASAP because it was gorgeous and the big sweeping notes as the camera panned along the rainbow bridge in Asgard gave me chills.
+ Chris Hemsworth. He's this guy I kinda like. I dunno. Maybe I've mentioned that before, once or twice. But when I first fell in love, he was this lanky BOY and now he has fully grown into those giant limbs. HOLY FUCK. There was a whole lot of swooning going on initially, like when Thor pranced his way through the crowd to be crowned king, then kneeled in front of Odin and WINKED at his friends? A TINY LITTLE MOUSE SQUEAK could be heard from the vicinity of my seat (plush leather recliner, thank you gold room.) And the bit on Earth where he was walking around without a shirt and Darcy was ogling him? Well, I'm not 100% sure of my reaction there, because it's highly likely I blacked out for a moment. OH! And also when they were saving the townsfolk, and he just has these ARMS FULL Of CHILDREN. Jesus Christ, I'm not exactly the most maternal person on the planet, but Chris with kids will never get old. There's a reason I loved them making Kim a teen dad early on in his storyline (and FYI for the old Charlieverse days, Charlie looks like young!Thor in this movie from now on.)
Also Thor eating. And Thor serving eggs for breakfast with the tea towel draped over one shoulder (HOT) and his little smile for the Facebook photo, which made a hilarious reappearance later (so need that as an icon) and all of his cute little comedic faces when being humiliated. OH! And when he walked into the pet shop full of fluffy little puppies and demanded a horse? CUTEST THING IN THE WORLD ("Then get me one big enough to ride.") Okay, bascially every time Hemmo was on the screen, I was enjoying myself.
+ Lady Sif and the warriors three. \o/ Thor's friends are awesome. I fell hard for Sif. There was a lot to fit into the movie, so I especially liked the storyline with "Xena, Jackie Chan and Robin Hood" and the LOTR dude. *g* I loved their friendship with Thor, and each other, and Sif's quiet and understated feelings for him. She wasn't a drama queen. The reunion on Earth made me melt.
+ Speaking of awesome female characters...DARCY. The cutest, most adorable thing ever and she totally stole every scene away from Natalie Portman. Every good movie needs a Darcy - someone so easily loveable and good for a laugh to break things up a bit. Her butchering of the pronunciation of Mjolnir made me giggle every time.
+ Jane. I'm not really a Natlie Portman fan. Not that I dislike her or anything, I've just never been able to get all that enthused about anything I've seen her in. I think this still might be the case. There were some moments where I thought she might have won me over (like when Thor kissed her hand for the first time and she got all giddy and dorky and cute) but it kept slipping back into the meh. But there's nothing negative, really, and I am definitely not against seeing her return in the sequel (YAY, THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL) to see her character fleshed out a bit more. Maybe it was just that Jane is such a practical and no-nonsense character surrounded by the epic heroes and comedic relief, that she tended to fade into the background.
Oh, and I didn't really like the big kiss. The little moment when Jane first went in for it, and Thor paused, pulled back and kissed her hand again was the best for me. I thought that had more emotion than the subsequent smooch she layed on him, and would have been more than happy for it to have stopped there. Save something for the sequel, kids.
+ LOKI! I love Loki - always wanted to name a puppy after him - and I loved his fucked relationship with Odin and Thor and even the frost giants. So glad I stuck around after the credits, because I think the storytelling world needs more Loki. And the fanfic world needs Thor/Loki. DIRECT ME TO IT, GOOD PEOPLE OF FANDOM. I loved guessing his motives and thoughts through the entire movie (my sister swears he's a little bit good) and Tom played it brilliantly.
+ Idris Elba as Heimdall was my sister's favourite, and I thought he was great, too. Loved his defiance and the epic moment when breaking free of the ice to save Thor. That guy rocked. Standing on the edge of the shattered bridge at the end was brilliant.
+ The 3D. All jokes about Chris' bare arse (well, part of it) in 3D aside, I'm not sure it added much to the film. Some of the fight scenes were a bit of a blur, and the movie seemed a little too dark at times because of it. The scenes in Asgard were beautiful, and there was one part in particular that made me jump out of my chair, but for the most part, I think I would have preferred 2D. There's this worry I have that 3D films are just overcompensating for a dull story, and this is definitely not the case with Thor.
+ Asgard vs Earth. I went in thinking I'd enjoy the Earth scenes more than the Asgard stuff and it was the complete opposite. I loved the humour of Thor trying to adapt to Earth, but was totally immersed in the stuff with Odin and Loki and what it takes to be a great king (I'll admit that the young Arthur Pendragon crossed my mind once or twice.) After spending the time in Asgard at the beginning, I was a little disappointed when Thor was cast out. (I was like, c'mon, Thor, don't be such a dick. I wanna play in the pretty place for a while longer and watch your brother angst over his lack of daddy love.)
There is probably so much more I wanted to mention (Marvel universe references, costumes, Kenneth Branagh and his geniusness, fucking Excalibur MJOLNIR), but it is late an today has been epic...almost as much as this post...so let's close the cut. *g*
So, yeah, I recommend you see it. Did I mention that Thor wrestles with a guy in the mud for a bit? Worth the price of admission already, AM I RIGHT?
Oh and Excalibur vs Mjolnir. Which is more awesome and/or phallic?