Dude, tonight's round had most of my initial fave boys this year - Daniel, Jacob, Husny, Carl and Matt (otherwise known as OMG HE CAN'T BE SIXTEEN) but it was SO BORING. Except for Husny. Husny is made of bad 80s awesome.
Matt - Off my list. For once, I agree with those "sing the damn lyrics like you mean them" comments from the judges. But he's pretty. And most of the voters are of an age where they *don't* feel incredibly dirty for even looking at the kid, so he's through for sure. Oh, and WTF was with the tea towel? Even Rove picked up on it!
Junior - He's a bit like, whatshisname, Joseph from last year, in that his quietness bordering on shyness reduces the emotional impact of his performances. Again, if you're going to sing a song like Dear Mr President, GET ANGRY.
Carl - Oh, he's so *cute* in that hot with a touch of dorkiness way. It's just that I think he really only interests me visually unless he has his trumpet with him. It's a shame. He'd knock big band week out of the park if he makes it, though.
Daniel - *swoon* One of my favourite songs, too, so who really cares if he sounded just like Diesel? Okay, he could have been more adventurous with his song choice, but Husny was, and the judges killed him for it, so playing it safe was probably a smart move. He can sing. He's the sexiest boy we have this year. He's rocking that scarf gimmick already. He's a contender.
Husny - FTW! Say what you like about that performance, but I did not look away once. I may have laughed. I may have cringed at times. But I sat there riveted and more than just a little turned on and he's getting my vote. This competition needs something interesting, and this eyeliner-wearing, 80s-fashioned genius is perfect. Just wait until he throws in some Bloc Party, or a Kate Bush track, or puts his own spin on something poppy like Britney. GIVE HIM A CHANCE AND YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED.
Jacob - Oh, Jakey B, my boy. Stupid, stupid song choice. Because the rest of the songs tonight were so blah and low-key, I was expecting Jake to come out with an upbeat pop rock track. Something cheeky and high-energy would have left the audience with something fun and memorable after all the bland, and it would have suited him. The thing with Chasing Cars is that it's been played to death already. Songs like this have stages - we hear and like them, they end up charting for months and being played ad nauseum on radio/crappy American medical soaps and we get sick of them, we don't hear to the song for a certain period of time, then when we do, we're reminded of why we liked it in the first place. He hit this song in the wrong stage of its shelf life. And again I have to agree with the judges - get out there and have fun, Jakey. Show them all what I saw years ago.
Oh, I read a rumour that my girl, Brianna, might be doing Regina Spektor's "Fidelity" on Wednesday. I *love* the idea so much that I'm going to be disappointed if she doesn't now.