I love this show. It's adorable. It's cheesy. It's charming. It's possibly gayer than season 1 Smallville. And it gives me what I ask of it - the story a kid called Conner Kent deserved.
DECLAN LOVES KYLE! He misses Kyle so much he can't even get it up for Lori anymore! Awwww. I love that apart from the Tragers and the conspiracy players, Dec's the only other character we saw in this ep. How *he* is affected by Kyle's absence is more important that Boring Girl-Next-Door Love Interest.
I do feel a bit sorry for Lori - she's making the moves on her guy and he's clearly not interested and she *knows* it's because of Kyle. She even calls Dec on it. Heh. I'll be over here drawing little hearts around my OTP for a while. *g*
AND THE GAY DOESN'T END THERE! Adam's hideaway of slashiness was awesome. Adam was totally doing that Brian Taylor guy (Dr Garner from Smallville! I couldn't trust him!) - "very old friends" who tell each other everything and Brian seems to think that before Kyle came along, he was the only one who "cared about" Adam. Add Kyle and Foss to that mix There needs to be porn from that house. Preferably before Adam met an untimely demise (I liked that guy! We needed more Adam!)
*cough* Anyway, yes, I enjoyed the *canon* story, too. *g* Jessi XX looks like she could be interesting, especially exploring what Kyle could have been without the Trager's influence. She's hot, too. Good genes in that little cloning project. Josh seems to have grown up overnight, but at least that'll make one feel a little *less* pervy. I still think Lori is one of the best teenage girl characters in any of my shows.
I love, love, love, that it looks like Kyle really is going to go the superhero route, or at least explore the possibility. When Adam moved the glass, and hinted that Kyle could, too...well, I guess we all know who I thought of. And the talks Adam and Kyle had? Could easily have been Lex and Conner. So maybe I have a little more invested in this show, and maybe that's why I'm so attached and cry so easily when Kyle actually *gets* to experience this story, to ask why he was made, and to find out what it means to be a clone. He gets to question Lex Adam's motivations for creating him (loneliness!) and he gets to call people on the ethics of that.
Most of all, I love that Kyle gets to make a stand and choose his own path. It doesn't matter why he was created, or what other people want him to do - he's going to find his own role in life, with his family, and he's going to be a hero. I always cringe when I get my hopes up with a show. Getting too attached is a very dangerous thing when your fangirly heart is already fragile. But like Foss, I'm giving this kid a chance. Be worth it, Kyle. That's all I ask.