LAMB! Noooooooooo! I cried. I'm sure Lamb would smile ever so smugly if he knew that, but I cried and cried and cried. And I didn't want to talk about it last night because I probably would have been so embarrassingly emo about the whole thing. Heh.
It's not even that he's dead (if he *is* dead, he could be faking for...some nefarious reason, I'm sure *nodnodnod*) but that he was killed by frickin' Booker Botando with a baseball bat! Poor guy couldn't even get much dignity in death (and I totally had to google the "I smell bread" thing - not up on my sermons and MASH, it seems.)
Poor, heartbroken Sachs. *wibbles*
Anyway, enjoyed this episode very much, too. And I think they're handling the LoVe stuff better, too. I never wanted them to remove it altogether, because I do *like* Veronica and Logan, and I think they do have a story together, but when it was the focus of every episode and drove the plots, it was too much.
And Parker is cute with Logan. Are people not seeing how Logan *smiled* and had fun? Hee. Psycho fans (thanks, Chris Lowell *g*) who are so gosh darn protective of their character would rather he was stuck in angst and misery for an entire season rather than see him enjoy himself? Interesting. Fannish love is so complex. *snerk*
Wallace! Very few lines again, but at least his line to Lamb was a good one. (Should've known right then, when they brought back the "go see the wizard" line from the pilot and reminded us of Lamb's awesomeness, that he was doomed.) And Wallace is such the best friend ever, turning Veronica away from Logan and Parker at the end. She needs him so much more than the show has been letting on lately.
Loved the Keith/Veronica time. Loved that they can look out for each other and when one's actions are crossing a line, the other calls them on it. They're the best team ever. I hope Mars Investigations isn't kaput now that Sheriff Mars is back on duty.
Loved Mac/Bronsan. He's so cute. Loved the *fun* of Veronica behind bars and the appearances of Cliff and Vinnie. Back to oldschool VMars. It's just a shame we won't have Lamb anymore. I'll miss his snarky scenes with Veronica.