The Wishlist Meme.
- Make a post (public, friendslocked, filtered...whatever you're comfortable with) to your LJ. The post should contain your list of 10 holiday wishes. The wishes can be anything at all, from simple and fandom-related ("I'd love a Snape/Hermione icon that's just for me") to medium ("I wish for _____ on DVD") to really big ("All I want for Christmas is a new car/computer/house/TV.") The important thing is, make sure these wishes are things you really, truly want.
- If you wish for real life things (not fics or icons), make sure you include some sort of contact info in your post, whether it's your address or just your email address where Santa (or one of his elves) could get in touch with you.
- Also, make sure you post some version of these guidelines in your LJ, or link to this post (it'll be public) so that the holiday joy will spread.
- Surf around your friendslist (or friendsfriends, or just random journals) to see who has posted their list. And now here's the important part:
- If you see a wish you can grant, and it's in your heart to do so, make someone's wish come true. Sometimes someone's trash is another's treasure, and if you have a leather jacket you don't want or a gift certificate you won't use--or even know where you could get someone's dream purebred Basset Hound for free--do it.
You needn't spend money on these wishes unless you want to. The point isn't to put people out, it's to provide everyone a chance to be someone else's holiday elf--to spread the joy. Gifts can be made anonymously or not--it's your call.
There are no rules with this project, no guarantees, and no strings attached. Just...wish, and it might come true. Give, and you might receive. And you'll have the joy of knowing you made someone's holiday special.
Again, some of these never change.
1. If you’re Australian and have a dog or cat, please go to the
Lost Dogs Home and sign them up for their Pet Register Service. It’s free and if your puppy or kitty goes missing, it may help bring them back to you. And if you have some spare cash, feel free to donate to their organisation, or the
RSPCA (who also have a great gift catalogue). If you’re not Australian, a donation to your local animal shelter or welfare organisation is equally as welcome.
2. For Superboy/Conner Kent to be alive. Or be brought back to life. And if you’re not exactly a decision-maker at DC Comics, I’d love to at least *read* about him being alive.
3. Teen Titans trades. I only have the first one.
4. Icons and/or LJ Headers. Anything in my interests and/or current shows would make me happy, because my artistic ability sucks and I tend to rely on the kindness of others. *g*.
5. Toys. Especially fannish ones but really, I just love all toys. If something’s cute or it makes cool noises and stuff, I’m sure to want it.
6. Fic! Anything at all, any fandom. I have very few squicks or pairing dislikes at all.
7. My So Called Life. Doesn’t have to be the actual DVD set, but if anyone has copies of the episodes lying around…
8. Oliver Queen.
9. Something for Darcy, who deserves to be spoiled way more than I do. He likes any kind of doggy treats or toys and if it’s something like a collar, he’d be a large size, the big boofhead that he is.
10. Pimp me something. Like, anything you really love and aren’t sure if I’ve discovered yet. If you wanna pimp a band, I’d love to hear a track or two. Or if it’s a TV show, an ep would be great! Or an actor picspam, an author/fic rec, or maybe a comic book, scanned or otherwise. I’d especially love if you could tell me *why* you love it, because that makes it more interesting.
Link me to your own wishlists, people!
I'll pop my contact details in another post. BRB My contact details are
here in a f-locked post. Fill out the poll there, too!