Okay, so I'm losing a bet by posting. Shh.
Anyone any good with anagrams? Because TV Soap says that Zoe hired her accomplice dude under the name of "Maxine Trood" (and handyman guy called her Maxine Maxine! You're not the only onnnnne.) And we all know about last year's Wal Harisse being Sarah Lewis so...
I can suggest a few interesting ones:
DO NOT AXE RIM (heeeeeee! It's a message! To us! To continue the Robbie/Kim legend)
RAT MONOXIDE (*shrug*)
IN EXTRA DOOM (because, duh, they totally are)
DNA REMIX TOO (a reference to switching paternity results?) or DNA EXIT ROOM
TIMEX ON ROAD (tick tock, watch...I'm reaching here)
NO TOAD REMIX (no Duncan, I suppose)
and my favourite, well, 2nd fave after the Rim one is...
DO ME TINA ROX! (because Zoe so wants me and you can all die with jealousy now kthnxbi)
In other fandom news, I have been reading Margene's blog on the HBO Big Love site. Because she is just the cutest thing ever, and I love it when they cater to obsessive fans like that. But check out
this post.
I'm tired of people on TV badmouthing TV. I mean, I learn a lot from the so-called "idiot box." I learn a lot about other countries. Has anyone ever heard of the TV show from Australia called "The Update Game Show?" I think it's canceled over there now, but at 2:30 in the afternoon on channel 571, they're showing it. At least they have been all week. It's hilarious and the host is SOO cute. Are you kidding me? You guys should check it out if you can.
Is she talking about Hotdogs? Seriously? WTF? I love you, Margie, I really do. But we're going to have to have a chat about this sometime. Hotdogs? *shakes head* Although, that's Uplate Game Show or something, isn't it? Maybe she meant something else.