I was usually happy when my torrent speed was around 25 but now it's hitting, like, 155 and I am in awe. And I don't even have the super-duper fast broadband so I can only imagine what it's like for the people who do. Whoosh!
Veronica/Wallace is becoming vital to my general happiness, I swear. I loooooove them! And Lamb is just taunting us (and Keith) now. He's all, *flex* you liiiiike me *flex* you waaaaant me *back ripple* you want to write dirty wrong porn about me...and I hate him for that. *g*
Man, I *really* wanted to just put up a clip because telling it doesn't do it justice at all but basically, Ling Ling (pokemon dude) kept failing his drivers licence because he's Asian and Asians can't drive (not big with the PC, this show *g*) but then Wooldoor came up with a revolutionary operation to cure him which involved lifting Ling Ling's eyelids up so he had round eyes and he could see the world the same way others could. Ahem.
So then Ling Ling went for his license again and could suddenly drive perfectly! Then everyone came out of the buildings and watched and broke into a Ling-Ling-ified version of "Who's that Guy?" from Grease 2. Complete with the original choreography and everything! So awesome! And it just proves that this show was written for *me*. Heh.
Heh. I must warn you that it's rumoured the "lost" episode of season 1 might be aired soon and as it was pulled last year when Christopher Reeve died a few days before the air date, I expect it'll offend a lot of people.
Basically, after giving Foxxy a brain tumour from x-raying the girl's bathroom too much, Hero feels guilty and decides to lose his powers in a horse riding accident, leaving him in a wheelchair.
Pfft, offense is for pussies! Unless it's something that makes me want to drop-kick somebody out a window. Then offense is for people with strong convictions!
Veronica/Wallace is becoming vital to my general happiness, I swear. I loooooove them! And Lamb is just taunting us (and Keith) now. He's all, *flex* you liiiiike me *flex* you waaaaant me *back ripple* you want to write dirty wrong porn about me...and I hate him for that. *g*
Man, I *really* wanted to just put up a clip because telling it doesn't do it justice at all but basically, Ling Ling (pokemon dude) kept failing his drivers licence because he's Asian and Asians can't drive (not big with the PC, this show *g*) but then Wooldoor came up with a revolutionary operation to cure him which involved lifting Ling Ling's eyelids up so he had round eyes and he could see the world the same way others could. Ahem.
So then Ling Ling went for his license again and could suddenly drive perfectly! Then everyone came out of the buildings and watched and broke into a Ling-Ling-ified version of "Who's that Guy?" from Grease 2. Complete with the original choreography and everything! So awesome! And it just proves that this show was written for *me*. Heh.
Hee, must be. You know, I keep forgetting I can actually watch that on my own TV, too.
Basically, after giving Foxxy a brain tumour from x-raying the girl's bathroom too much, Hero feels guilty and decides to lose his powers in a horse riding accident, leaving him in a wheelchair.
So. Yeah.
Love your icon.
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