Thanks to the very lovely
elsmoka, I saw House!
She also made this icon from the ep (and a whole bunch of others you should check out) which I find rather apt in light of recent real life events.
I think I'm in love with Cameron all of a sudden. The whole "somebody has to care" thing. Aww. She's totally wrong, and it's gonna lead to trouble, but dammit I can't help loving her for it. Y'know, it's the exact reason I decided not to become a vet (besides the whole not smart enough thing) - I would be to dogs what Cameron is to people and it would destroy me. The thing is, Cameron knows it'll destroy her, too, but she's willing to make that sacrifice. Yeah, delusional, but I love her.
I loved her scenes with Wilson, and contrasting them to her scenes with House, and I really wanna see more Wilson/Cameron in the future. Probably not in a romantic way, but he has more to offer her than House ever could.
I've managed to get over my Chase issues over the break. *g* He's paying for his past transgressions and it's fun to watch. Also, Channel 10 just played the ep with his dad and I've gone back to the woobie factor. He had some nice moments with Foreman in this ep, too.
Foreman still intrigues me, and I'm beginning to really appreciate the way this show gives you little snippets to add to each character with every episode but isn't all, "This person has a Big Mystery which you will want to solve". They focus on the patient/s of the week for that, and we just happen to learn more about the characters in the process. I dunno, maybe it's the more subtle approach that's winning me over after a season of Lost that left me rather dissatisfied.
And also, there's House. Who you can't *not* love.
And I wanna see more of Cuddy's secretary. He was *cute*!