Couldn't get into LJ (and a whole bunch of other sites) from this computer all morning but it seems to have fixed itself while I was on lunch. Odd.
And guess what I did at lunch? Watched the latest Veronica Mars! Don't really have time to say much right now except
Eeeeeeeeeee! The kiss! I had no idea I was so shippy about them until that moment, yo. Squealed like it was Clex. (actually, it might have been the moment Logan popped JTT in the eye, 'cause that was cool...and kinda sweet of him. *g*) And I could babble about Logan all day and still not work out exactly why I love him. He's...see, I have no idea. I just know I love him.
And JTT was much better in this than he ever was in SV. I love how the Home Improvement boys still do the same shows. Heh. Wanna take bets on whether the little wimpy one turns up on SV or VM first?
*Love* the Veronica/Wallace friendship. So much.
Mac! Love her, too.
Actually, I think I love everything about this show. So glad it got renewed.
SV has 19 hours to go. *sigh* I'll be leaving the office for the weekend in about 4 so it looks like Monday for that one. Meh, I know it'll be worth the wait.