Jun 06, 2006 18:13
last night i watched a good three hours or so of t.v. and i saw the same trailer for "the omen" about 10 times (i kid you not). i am getting really sick of people remaking movies. ok that's not true. i don't mind that they remake movies but i hate that they remake them badly. which seems to always be the case. i mean, julia stiles and liev shreiber? what the shit. when are they going to come out with a good horror movie? where have all the dario agento's gone? everything is just slash slash slash, dumb suspenseful music, slash slash slash, titties, bad acting, slash slash slash, ridiculous plot twists and an even more ludicrous ending. looks like the only way to get some kicks anymore is to watch a disney movie on mute while german bondage porn plays over it. and even that is overplayed.
on another note, johnny depp is making a movie about sweeney todd and he plays (you guessed it) sweeney todd. i almost peed myself right as i orgasmed.