May 22, 2006 14:18
i don't want to talk about where i found this, but i invite you to bask in its wonderfulness.
As he was swinging through the city, Spider-Man heard a bird and chuckled, and shot his webbing at its chicken. Unfortunately, Garfield and Reagan became enamored with bicycles, and attacked Topher Grace slamming a retarded serpent. Spider-Man then ate tequila from Catwoman's canteen and spat.
"Mary Jane, I love your catapult."
Then vegetables attacked Nicaragua while baby-sitting two-thousand horses' feet that smelled of garlic. Venom finally touched someone's shoes while filming provoking bread. Mysterio danced break-dance while Elektro fried tacos! The tacos spake loudly.
"Stop laughing like Green Goblin."
HackySack attacked sharks while smiling at golden clovers. Suddenly, Jessica Tandy smacks up Spider-Man.