green light, green skin? eech!

Dec 09, 2009 18:43

Winter is here. It has finally made its way down to me. I was totally bitching in my head today on the way to class about how biting cold the wind was, and then it hit me: it's December. It's supposed to be cold. I stopped part of my whining. It stopped being about how ridiculously unfair it was to be cold and morphed into just general "ohmygodcold!"

I finally caught up on Supernatural. I have some thoughts.

Um. OK. Was it entirely necessary to kill of Jo and Ellen? I mean really? I'm not usually all with the "you kill off all the women/gays/characters of color" but dude--did they have to kill off the only strong female characters who are not evil? What the hell? I mean, I get that they needed to prove there were serious consequences to this fight, and they couldn't kill bobby, and that really only left Ellen and Jo, but. I'm still a little pissed they killed them, quite frankly. What was awesome about their scenes together was all of the conversations they had with only their eyes and facial expressions. They totally topped Sam and Dean for mental communication, it was kind of unbelievable.

The previews for Bones look like they could be interesting, if only because Booth in his boxers is always a good thing. He was wearing a vest last episode, and I really liked it. Like, a three piece suit vest, not a Topher sweater-vest. Speaking of which, I have Dollhouse to watch! I'm very excited. But back to Booth: they're really stressing how he's been changed by the tumor, right, and how he's even dressing differently, but my question is this: how is he dressing differently? Because...Booth's sock drawer must be full of fun socks, so how does new!booth find boring ones? and how does he suddenly wear a different style of suit if it's not already in his closet? I never really saw him as much of a shopper, quite frankly, so how does he get a new wardrobe?

I have a chapter to read analytically and a documentary to watch, and I'm avoiding doing both. oh! look at that! it's dinner time.
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