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Nov 04, 2009 09:56

So it's november already. when did that happen?

I did fieldwork on halloween, which was both slightly depressing and pretty fun. There's this one street in town that about four hundred people descend upon and go trick or treating, or mill around and mingle with neighbors. There was this couple dressed up like zombies, and they were freakin scary zombies! They'd lumber along, and then stop and stare in some direction, then start walking again. And they didn't care if they were staring you in the eye at all. It was just this dead-eyed impassive crazy they were rockin.

I really thought, when I realized I picked up the cherry flavor of nyquil, that i was in for a particularly horrid experience, but it turns out it actually does taste better! not like cherries or anything, but also not like it's space pirate engine-still alcohol, which makes for anice change.

I think I'm going to write more. I've said I was going to do NaNoWriMo, but I haven't actually started yet--I'm oddly idea free. I mean, I'll make up these lives for people I barely/don't know, give them family and friends and life histories and stuff, but that's just in my head. I do it with objects, too, but I was hanging out in my friend's room once when I mentioned it, and so he started pointing at his stuff, and I was creepily accurate about weird details, so I do that a bit less now. Unless it's something really cool, then you just have to go with it. anyway, I don't have a problem making up lives for people, it's, like...putting them into a story I have trouble with. I believe they call that the "Plot." They make it sound important. Anyway, we'll see how that goes. Mostly I signed up to remind myself that I should write.

Papers, due to it being NOVEMBER, are coming due with a slightly alarming speed. And...no one is particularly clear on what they're expecting or what they want, and that's a little frustrating. On the other hand, it's nice to see the results of all our talking about folklore. I registered (I think. I mean, I went through the motions, and I look registered on my account, but ppl keep telling me I have to fill out a form C before I can...which is like the plan for the rest of my time in the program, and that's fine, that's cool, it's nice to have a plan, but I haven't done it yet and still registered, so I don't know how true their claims are. otoh, maybe I'm supposed to exercise some self-control and wait until i get the ok.) I registered for the two KLK program courses I need, Folklore Theory (woohoo!) and Folk Belief, which makes me feel overwhelmed like you would not believe. But then I also signed up fr ethnographic videography and archery 101.

the former because the prof subbed for our out-of-town prof and explained how for the course, we make a documentary, which I've always wanted to do, and then he went on to talk about how his interests are in pre-proto-indo-european culture and then later after I mentioned how that was something I was interested in, as well as...well, anything really, having to do with horses, but specifically how the early people from the--evidently--Bulgarian region and around used them. The relationship between horses and people and how that's evolved. And he mentioned something about how they've found bits over there that are like, wicked old, which got me all excited because I really want an internship that focuses on occupational folklore, and I'd just been looking at leatherworkers and smiths and realizing that there's this whole sub group of people who just make bridles, or just the metal work on the bridles, and that's really cool to me. So the prof was like, that's what you should do your film on next semester! And I am totally down with that. I was a little wigged at first that I was veering too far away from folklore, but the somewhat awesome thing about folkore is that it's everywhere.

Mom called me and my sister on our procrastination via texting each other all afternoon, and I of course claimed it was fieldwork--the culture of texting, cause it's a crazy world. There's already fixed-phrase folk speach, OMG!

And I picked archery a) cause I like archery and b) i need to do something else here besides class and home and wallgreens, you know? I have, like, zero emotional response to being here. it's weird and slightly disturbing. I mean, in Hawaii, I hated it off and on, but I also loved it like crazy. Here? I'm just sort of numb about it. I'm stuck in neutral.
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