there were people in the park

May 22, 2009 01:25

Maybe it's because I'm used to suburbia or something, but I was totally taken aback by how many people were using the neighborhood park today when I walked by. I mean, the place was, like, full! And it was pretty much just a big field of grass. There was a swing set over on one side, but pretty much? just open space. As is frequently the case here, I was trying not to gwak like the terrible tourist I so obviously am, so I didn't like, inspect their activities or anything. It was just...families hanging out and kids playing together. It seemed terribly out of the blue.

I think it must be because on campus where there are big expanses (comparatively, ok?) of grass, no one is playing frisbee or sunbathing like they are on MSU's campus (because here they don't need no stinking beach-replacement, they have the beach). My computer is telling me that 'frisbee' is not in fact the generic name for playing frisbee, it wants me to capitalize it 'cause it's like kleenex that way. Crazy. I had no idea. So anyway, I've not grown to expect people chilling on the grass. And yet they were.

I'm house-sitting, which is actually quite enjoyable, and I believe I'll be taking this mattress with me when I head back to Michigan. Yes, on the plane, even. I'm sleeping fantastically. Although that meant I went to a different grocery store, and they did not have apple bananas, which is terribly disappointing.

sigh. apple bananas, man. i will miss them.

OMG, people! I found out the reason the cloudy days make me a bit claustrophobic! In my geology class, my prof was talking about clouds, like on Neptune or something, i don't know. Anyway, he asked us who had seen cirrus clouds, and like four people raised their hands. In a class of twenty. I was totally confused about both his asking and the response, but it finally hit me earlier when I was walking home because it's really easy to see how far down the mountain I am right now--cumulus clouds form lower, and the land actually is closer to them than at home. Still weird, but a bit more understandable. The other day the clouds were particularly low and I could see the mountain that hedges the eastern side of the valley was actually partially above the clouds. It looked both funky and awesome, but I didn't have my camera on me at the time, and my phone couldn't capture the light from so far away.
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