1. Name: Lydia
2. Natural Hair Color: brown
3. Hair Color Currently: brown
4. Eye Color At Birth: brown
5. Eye Color Currently: brown
6. Height Currently: 5'5
7. Contacts or Glasses: glasses
8. Birthdate: October 16th 1986
9. Sign: Libra
10. Current Age: 16
11. Parent's names: Nora and Gary
12. Siblings names: Stephanie Angie Alicia Kathy Elyse
13. Location: Worcester, Massachusetts
14. School: Burncoat High school
15. Current Grade: eep! maybe Senior
16. GPA.: not ttoo high
17. College Plans: not sure yea... I kinda wanna go into the Navy
18. Planned College Major: donno
19. Planned College Minor: not sure
20. Any Piercing: 4 in my ears and two in my belly button
21. Any Tattoos: nope
*Social Life*
1. Best Girl Friend(s): JackiE, Mollie, Jenn
2. Best Guy Friend(s): Mike
3. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Mike!<3
4. If No, Current Dating Partner: Mike??
5. Hobbie(s): sitting on my ass
6. Pager: nooo
7. Are You Center Of Attention Or the Wallflower: I am nothing
8. What Type Automobile Do You Drive: I dont even have a permit yet
9. What Type Automobile Do You Wish You Drove: anything will do
10.Would You Rather Be With Friends Or On A Date: what if my date is my friend too?
11. Where Is The Best Hangout: dont matter
12. Do You Have A Job: I am in need of one... Chuck E Cheese.. what??
13. Where Do You Attend Church: I dont
14. Do You Like Being Around People: ya... sometimes
1. Have You Known The Longest: umm Jenn (but we didnt know it) so I dont know prolly like everyone I know now
2. Do You Argue The Most With: no one really
3. Do You Always Get Along With: Mike and most of my other friends
4. Is The Most Trustworthy: JackiE
5. Makes You Laugh The Most: Mike and Mollie
6. Has Been There Through All The Hard Times: JackiE<3
7. Always Has A Man/Woman: hmmm... donno
8. Is The Most Sensitive: me??
9. Has The Coolest Parents: I would have to say me!
10. Has The Coolest Sibling(s): hahaha ummm yeaaa
11. Is The Most Blunt: JackiE KKJ represent!!
12. Is The Shyest: me prolly
13. Is The Most Outgoing: all of them
14. Is Most Rebellious: haha I dont know
15. Is Most Conservative: hmmm
16. Is Most Likely To Become Famous: any of them if they want to be
17. Is Most Likely To Become Rich: all
18. Is Most Likely To Wind Up In Jail: I dont have a clue
19. Is Most Likely To Have A Million Kids: hahaha... ME??? NOOOOOO JK JK JK okay actually that wasnt funny!! eep!
20. Always Wears A Smile: all of them
21. Is Smartest: haha all of them but me
22. Who Has The Biggest Attitude: EVERYONE
23. Without Thinking About It, Who Do You Think Would Die For You?: prolly Mike (but today he said he wouldnt let me) or most likely any of my frineds
24. Complains The Least: haha we ALL complain ALL the time
25. Biggest Flirt: ummmm
26. Needs A Good Man/Woman: JackiE
27. Never EVER Betrayed you: prolly Mike(he better not) or JackiE agagin
1. Who Is Your Role Model: hahaha Role Model is sooo Simple Plan
2. What Are Your Pet Peeves: uhhhh
3. Have You Ever Been In Love: yep!
4. Have You Ever Liked Someone You Had No Chance with?: I think so
5. Have You Ever Cried Over The Opposite Sex: tons of times
6. Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After?: umm I dont know
7. Have You Ever Lied To Your Best Friend(s): yes... prolly
8. Ever Wanted To Get Revenge on Someone Because They Hurt You: hahaha YEA!
9. Ever Been Cheated On: umm I dont think so.. I hope not
10. Ever Said I Love You To A Significant Other: yeaaaa
11. Rather Be Dumper Or Dumped: I dont like either
12. Rather Have A Relationship Or A "Hookup": Relationship
14. Ever Liked Your Best Guy/Girl Friend: mmm not sure... I guess maybe
15. Do You Want To Get Married: Yea
16. Do You Want Kids: NOT RIGHT NOW!!!!
17. Do You Believe In Psychics: haha NO
18. Do You Believe You Know The Person Whom You Will Marry At This Point In time: I hope so
19. What Is Your Favorite Part Of Your Physical Being: hmmm... nothing comes to mind
20. What Is Your Favorite Part Of Your Emotional Being: haha I donno
21. Are You Happy With You: most of the time
22. Are You Happy With Your Life: at the moment.... YES!
23. Are You Scared Right Now? Depressed?: You cant even imagine
24. If You Could Change Something In Your Life Right Now, What Would It Be: Id rather not mention it... but most of you know what
1. Sports Team: Yankeees! haha
2. Room In house: this one
3. Girl's Name: Sookie
4. Guy's Name: Igby... but Mike wont let me name my son that:(... so Adam ;)
5. Person to talk to about your problems: Mollie or JackiE
6. Song: One Way Love (Better Off Dead)
8. Actor/Actress: River Phoenix and Ione Skye
9. Beverage: soda... but only clear ones
10. Candy: anything chocolate or peanut butter
11. Family Member: ummm I dont really have one
12. Salad Dressing: Itailian
13. Blanket/Stuffed Animial: my teddy<3
14. Quote From A Movie: "suck my fat one you cheap dime store hood"
15. Day of The Week: Thursday
16. Color: Orange and Green
17. Perfume And Cologne: ummm whatever Mike has :)
18. TV Shows: I dont watch much tv
19. Flower: ummm dont care
20. Fast Food Place: mmmmm... I dont care.... as long as there is food involved
21. Video Game: ahhhh I HATE them!! specially that ONE that Mike plays till 5 in the morning and CHEATS!!!
22. Teacher: dont really have one I guess
23. State: any one but the one I am in now
24. Store: I dont go shopping I wear my sisters clothes
25. Clothing: whatever I wear
26. Possession: dont matter
27. Vacation Spot: Florida
28. Person To Give Advice: anyone who needs it
29. Person To Get Advice From: anyone willing to give it
*The last 48 hours have u.....*
1. Cried: yeaa :(
2. Bought Something: nope
3. Gotten Sick: nooo
4. Sang: hahaha maaaybe
5. Eaten: of course
6. Been Kissed: yep :)
7. Felt Stupid: I might have
9. Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved Them, But Didn't: nope!! I do believe that I DID tell him that I love him
10. Met Someone New: no... not met... but I talked to someone new online
11. Moved On: from what?
12. Talk To An Ex: mmhmm
13. Missed An Ex: uhh nope
14. Talked To Someone You Have A Crush On: YEA!
15. Had a Serious talk: haha I have been having a lot of those in the past few days
16. Missed Someone: yeaaa :(
17. Hugged Someone: yes I have
18. Fought With Your Parents: no... I dont really do that stuff