random #25 - Pains and Aches

Mar 25, 2010 01:21

Why pain and aches come to haunt me at this age? I feel like getting old and my strength deterioates... tat's bad, can't imagine when my age enters into the new phase..

Weather seems to be unpredictable nowadays, sometimes is super hot and times it rains (i like when is raining cats and dogs and sipping a cup of KOPI admiring the pour)... and now i haf throat inflammation..

Still have 7 more mths to go before my long holiday..... counting down.. ~so near yet so far~ i tink i need a break now, work is stressing me.

Changmin and Jae's dramas coming in Apr.. ~dancing ard~ finally i see Paradise.

I want the Toki wo tomete Bigeast version.... the cover "drools"

and now is already 1am plus, and i have not gotten to sleep @_@ Zombie will appear once more in office...

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