Aug 14, 2006 05:03
The first week sweets booked out, I was so excited I couldn't sleep the day before he got 'released'. Then when I saw him, I was told that it's not appropriate to hug or even give him a peck on the cheek cause he was wearing his uniform. Drats, I did it anyway. :P
We spent quality time throughout the weekend, using up as much time as we can with each other. To my surprise, he suggested having dinner at somewhere special and a stroll with me after. He said he miss the food and ambience at " The Tapas Tree ", the same restuarant where we had our 3rd year anniversary. We quickly took a cab to clarke quay. No time wasted. Like what he said to me last night, " Money is not important now, time is. "
Before we know it it was sunday and after a short lunch, getting some nice loot for his character in WOW, it was time to head back to tekong. Lucky for us, wednesday was a P.H and he gets to book out on tues night!
A little glitch happened that night but all went well at the end of the day. Just a simple movie, small gathering with our friends and we headed home for some snuggles. Didn't had much time to plan anything big anyway, since he gotta book in the next day at 930pm.
After sending him off on wed night, it was a short two days wait before I get to see huns again. It was a saturday morning book out, sunday night book in sorta thing. Very rush I feel.
Met him over at his place and we were talking about this friend of ours. VERY cynical friend of ours. We kept quiet all these years about his behaviour until he drove me mad on wednesday. Quarrelled with him and decided not to have anything to do with this guy for the time being.
After whining and telling him what happened, we chat over other stuffs and decided to head to esplanade for a stroll.
Boy was esplanade packed! Everyone was there for the fireworks. Pity we didn't catch it. Still, it was fun in our own way. :P
Now hes off to serve the country again. 4 days field camp and i'm praying it won't rain.
A friend told me or rather, show me some shocking news. I was thinking, " My guess was right ". The impact was so huge but I managed to keep my cool. Discussed with Syl over the matter and decided that it's best that I let him know. Didn't had the courage at first. All the dreams I used to have, all the non-real thoughts and insecurity. It seemed so hard.
But i'm glad I did. And his words really really touched me. Though now I still feel alittle uneasy.
He seemed changed. For the better. Maybe its the responsiblity he have to shoulder inside camp. Can't wait for friday to arrive now! Pictures later! =)