Dec 05, 2005 16:29
~Initial Attraction~
Gender: Female
Age: 19 (God, I feel old.)
Hair: Brownish-red.
Eyes: Blue
Skin tone: Pale
Height: 5'8
Body type: Hourglass, I guess.
Clothing style: Um...bohemian, I guess. I love the long, flowy skirts, jeans, t-shirts, nice shirts, 'gaudi' jewlery, ect.
Best feature: Eyes, lips and breasts, I guess.
Glasses? Nope.
Facial hair? Nope.
You are attracted to...
Gender: Females!
Age: Anything my age or older.
Hair: Don't care.
Eyes: Don't care.
Skin tone: Any. I don't mind.
Height: Strangely enough, it doesn't matter to me.
Body type: I don't care, though I find that I really like curvy women.
Clothing style: Any. But I'm not really into 'butch' women. If I wanted something overly masculine, I'd date a guy.
Best features: All in the personality. Humor, kindness, understanding.
Glasses? I wouldn't mind.
Facial hair? I'd prefer no facial hair, lol.
You are rarely/never attracted to...
Age: I'm not really attracted to anyone younger than me.
Hair: Don't care.
Eyes: Don't care.
Skin tone: Don't care.
Height: Don't care.
Body type: Don't care.
Clothing style: Once again, I'm not really into the 'butch' look. Sorry.
Body part: I don't have any preferences for that. Just don't have a penis, please.
Do you/Have you...
Smoke? No.
Drink? No.
Do drugs? No.
Have kids? No.
Have any STDs? No.
Been divorced? No.
Have a long list of sexual partners? Nope. I'm still a virgin. Damn it.
Ever cheated on someone? No.
What's your religion? Agnostic for the moment.
Is it okay if they...
Smoke? I'd prefer if they didn't.
Drink? Only if they don't get completely plastered.
Do drugs? No.
Have kids? No.
Have any STDs? No.
Have been divorced? No.
Have a long list of sexual partners? Hey, their sex-life in the past is their own buisness. I won't judge.
Have ever cheated on someone? No.
Follow a different religion? Sure. I have an open-mind.
~Getting Along~
Do you have any pets? Two dogs.
Should they have any pets? Sure.
What are your hobbies? Writing, drawing, gaming, going to Stonewall, writing, writing, writing, lol.
Are there any hobbies/activities you'd like to try? I'm open to new ideas...
What kind of music do you like? ROCK!!!!
What kind of music do you dislike? COUNTRY. ICK.
What kind of movies do you like? Horror movies and comedies.
What kind of movies do you dislike? Chick-flicks, lol. Sappy movies that make me cry. I hate crying.
Are you outgoing or shy? A bit of both.
Are you more attracted to outgoing or shy people? Both.
What's your sense of humor like? I'm extremely sarcastic and satirical, if not just very witty.
Are there any causes (vegetarian/vegan, gay rights, abortion, war) you feel passionately about? Gay rights. Just ask my poor family. They've heard me rant.
Are there any causes you're strongly against?
Not sure. I don't think so.
Do you prefer more traditonal (dinner) or unconventional (laser tag) dates? Unconventional. I LOVE LASER TAG!!!
What kind of activities do you like to do on dates? Movies, I guess.
How would you charm someone? Just be myself and show a lot of cleavage. XD
How would you tell someone you like them? Just straight-out tell them.
How would you reject someone who asked you out? I have before, so, yes.
What's a surefire way to charm you? Sense of humor. If you can make me laugh, you can get a date out of me.
What's the best way for someone to tell you they like you? Just bloody tell me!
How would you prefer to be rejected? Gently, lol.
~Getting Serious~
At what point do you consider the relationship serious and exclusive? When I start developing strong emotions.
Are you materially high maintenance (want lots of gifts, etc.)? Hell no. I feel embarassed my signifigant other gets me anything.
Are you emotionally high maintenance (need lots of praise, reassurance, etc.)? I like to think I'm not, but I probably am.
Is it okay if they're materially high maintenance? Hell. No.
Is it okay if they're emotionally high maintenance? Yes. Welcome to my dating life. -.-
Do you lose your temper easily? I think I do.
Is it okay if they tend to lose their temper? Hell to the no.
Do you get jealous easily? Nah.
Is it okay if they get jealous? It's flattering if it's in small doses, but if they're possessive, fuck no.
How do you feel about public displays of affection? YES PLEASE!
~In the Bedroom~
Do you like your bedroom to be warm or cool? Cool. I fall asleep more easily.
Do you sleep with a lot of blankets or as little as possible? I sleep with a felt blanket thingie and a comfortor, as well as a small 'politically incorrect' afghan, as Steve put it.
Do you like to cuddle with someone when you sleep? Yeah. I've cuddled with Steve a few times as well as ex boyfriends.
What position do you usually sleep in? On my side, curled into a fetal position.
Spooning: Done it. Liked it.
Do you prefer total darkness or some light when you sleep? Total darkness. I love falling asleep with most of my major senses blocked out. It's just me and my mind.
Do you sleep better in a quiet room or with some background noise like music, TV, or a fan? I prefer total silence.
Are you a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? Depends. I've slept through storms and stuff, but the second someone walks into my room, I wake up. Actually, the second someone enters me room with the intention of TAKING something, I wake up.
Do you snore? I think so. I also talk in my sleep sometimes. Hell, I sang in my sleep once.
Is it okay if they snore? Sure.
Do you toss and turn a lot? Don't know.
Is it okay if they do? Sure. Steve has beaten the hell out of me in my sleep, lol.
Are pets allowed on the bed? Sure. I've slept with dogs on my legs and cats on my face, lol. Trish's cat, Little Cat, is odd that way. o.O
Do you keep your bed made or unmade? I make it every once in a while.
Do you keep other things in your bedroom (desk, computer, TV) or do you think it should just be for sleeping? Of course I keep other shit in my bedroom.
~Living Together~
Are you...
Messy? Yeah.
A total slob? Nah.
Organized? Eh, in a way.
A neat freak? Hell to the no, darling.
Picky about decorating? Hahaha. No.
Good about paying bills on time? I hope so.
A morning person or a night person? Night!!!
Should they be...
Messy? Eh, fine.
A total slob? No.
Organized? As long as they're not psycho about it...
A neat freak? DEAR GOD, NO!!!
Picky about decorating? If they have good taste, then they can go ahead.
Good about paying bills on time? Yes, because they will if I won't.
A morning person or a night person? Morning people usually wake ME up early, and I absolutely HATE that!
What are the things you absolutely must have in your home? My gaming system, computer, phone, TV, bed or couch and a fridge.
What are the things (items or behaviors) you absolutely refuse to allow in your home? I don't want religious things everywhere. Some stuff here and there is fine. Umm...nothing overly cutesy, I guess. I don't really care. Just don't be on my case and we'll get along fine.
Does your stuff take up a lot of space? Yup.
Is it okay if their stuff does? As long as I can navigate the room, it's fine.
Which of your possessions would you refuse to give up/sell/get rid of when moving in? My computer.
Do you cook well? Nope.
Should they be able to cook well? Don't care.
Will you wash dishes? Eh. Sure.
Will you vacuum and sweep floors? I guess.
Will you feed and clean up after pets? Depends on the pet, lol.
Will you do laundry? Sure.
Will you dust? Sure.
Will you do yardwork (raking leaves, mowing the lawn, shoveling snow)? I'm not that kind of lesbian, lol.
Will you fix things around the house? Damn it, I'm not that kind of lesbian!
Will you go grocery shopping? I guess.
Will you pick up after yourself? Sure.
Will you pick up after them? Nope.
Are you a remote control hog? Somewhat.
Are you a bathroom hog? Not really, no.
~Long-term Compatibility~
Where do you want to live? Europe.
Do you want children? Yes.
Do you want to get married? Someday.
What is your career, or what do you want it to be? An english teacher.