If you want to play, comment and I'll give you a letter. Then, list 10 things you love in YOUR journal
and_old_lace gave me U
underpants - I even have a song about underpants i love them that much...currently i am wearing pink leopard print
umbrellas - i always seem to lose mine at bus stops but i love twirling in them
uterus - i fucking hate mine, i wish it would die ( i know this isn't love but you know)
underdog - i always root for them
unbalanced - I feel like my life is often this way, but i'm working on changing that so thus its something i like
ugly duckling - we are the best ones!
umber - its a rich earthy brown color that i think is pretty great
uniforms - god knows i love a girl in a uniform, especially a mail carrier one!
unity - U N I T Y that's a unity...hell ya Queen Latifah
upholstery - I love to reupholster furniture with fun vintage fabrics