I can't decide what to wear to the living room. maybe I won't go

Jul 11, 2021 00:00

*clutches internet close*
I had a frustrating day - around 10:00 am there was a loud *bang!* just outside and the power went out. The lights came back almost immediately, the cable took maybe 10-15 minutes to return, and the internet did not. Checking the website on my phone, the outage was noted, so I didn't have to do anything. It was about 12:30 before I saw a bucket truck with hardhatted crew arrive, and 45 minutes later I got a text announcing that repairs had been made. Except I still was not connected. Got a hold of CS, and spent a long time trying the obvious, none of which helped. Things looked good on her end, my tablet could connect and she said I'd have to contact Dell (not that I'm sure what they could do). Cue nightmares of having to replace my laptop. I procrastinated on that for a while. Around 2:30 the *bang* and power outage happened again, but lights and cable came back on quickly, and my tablet was online again within five minutes. Before I called Dell, I tried to connect one more time and this time it worked. I have no idea what the hell was going on - did the second bang fix it?

Great photos of a bunch of different animals - magnificent, beautiful, awkwardly amusing

wow - I come from a family of 'keepers' but there's never been anything like this discovered stashed away in our houses or barns: Artwork Attributed to Picasso Discovered in Maine Closet After 50 Years - In their statement, the seller-who has chosen to remain anonymous-says that their grandmother and great-aunt both studied art in Europe during the 1920s. Their aunt reportedly collected “rare books and art.”

I know I've bitched about this before, but I really wish the amazon delivery drivers would knock when they drop a package at my door. I mean, they've got time to snap a photo to send me, what's so hard with rapping on the door? Granted, I was lying down but unless you tapped gently with one fingernail, I'd hear a knock even if asleep - and I don't think I was deep asleep at the time of the e-mail timestamp. That said, luckily I had misjudged and there was enough cat food in his canister, so running out before it arrived wasn't a problem.

This video shows how a woman rescued a very young, rather frail baby opossum, and raised him; he refused to be released back to the wild, and now enjoys the good life. Can't say I've ever dreamed of doing this, but I guess I can see how she ended up with a permanent pal.

During the unavailability of internet, I spent hours reading kindle books on my phone, finishing up the mystery I had mostly completed (Hither Page by Cat Sebastian) and diving into Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade. I recommend both - the first is a Golden Age small village mystery with some interesting characters. I have to say, I truly did not predict the murderer. The second is pure fun, there was an angsty stretch but it's mostly frothy fun - the characters are great, as is the setting, and the positive inclusion of fanfic as a thing people do and fandom as a community felt good.

All sorts of fabulous kitties

ok, sometimes you just have to laugh and shake your head - Fleur (HP) referring to another character as an English pure bread, left me wondering just what sort of bread the guy was. Whole grain? Sourdough? Maybe a nice rye?

Signal-boosting for
ysse_writes (formerly known as lisan), whose DW post explains her mom's serious medical conditions, and hopes for some financial help. If you remember lisan and can spare a bit, please think of sending her some cash.

Olivier's returned to the armchair several times in the past few days; sometimes sacking out for a while, once posing regally, paws crossed and staring at me for quite a long while. I think he likes it - but I bet he'll soon follow his usual pattern and suddenly stop hopping up there, in favour of some other random spot in the apartment

How cool! I'd not heard of this artist, but admire her work; her personal story is quite moving. All Hail the Renaissance of Artemisia Gentileschi
The London National Gallery unveiled a restored portrait of the Baroque painter and announced a 2020 retrospective dedicated to the artist
Artemisia Gentileschi’s Baroque masterpieces are all about the women. More specifically, they show women in action, actively asserting female agency and defying the alternately lecherous, murderous and feckless men surrounding them. Even in paintings lacking a male presence-for example, the 1615-17 “Self-Portrait as Saint Catherine of Alexandria,” which finds the artist clasping a broken torture wheel as she offers viewers a defiant side-long stare-the subversion of gender norms is readily apparent, emblazoned on the very fabric of Gentileschi’s stunningly realistic, proto-feminist creations.

No matter what we try to tell ourselves, it's not exactly new. When Nazis Took Manhattan - On the evening of Feb. 20, 1939, the marquee of New York's Madison Square Garden was lit up with the evening's main event: a "Pro American Rally." The organizers had chosen the date in celebration of George Washington's birthday and had procured a 30-foot-tall banner of America's first president for the stage. More than 20,000 men and women streamed inside and took their seats. The view they had was stunning: Washington was hung between American flags - and swastikas. This includes a brief embedded short film using archival footage, which I found pretty chilling.

Leverage fic rec:
The Romcom Jobs by
Summary: Five times Parker, Hardison, and Eliot lived out romcom tropes for a con, and one time they found themselves in one for real.

a fun, slow-moving OT3, each scenario building upon the last until things fall together at the end

Sherlock fic rec:
Homemaking by
Summary: The original plan for returning to England involved fucking around being shellshocked and suffering mandatory post-combat counseling and physical therapy to dissect the shattered mosaic of his feelings. That's not quite how it goes.

per a reccer on
fancake, "John figures out how to live in the world again and how to live with Sherlock in particular. A fun character piece, with a standout performance by Clara, Harry's ex." and it so so true. I loved John in this, and Clara is a pure delight

MCU fic rec:
Frostmelt by
Summary: Bucky caught Loki glancing at him out of the corner of his eye, and he held out a handful of slush. “Want some?” Bucky said, to be a shit and also maybe to break this fucking stalemate they were in.

Loki snorted and strode ahead to say something to their Jabari guide. So no, he’d not yet forgiven Bucky for getting pregnant and turning into a Jotun.

ok, I'm not sure what I was expecting when I started reading, but this is so much better. insecurities, ahoy! and both of them figuring out some of (not all) where things are going with their relationship, current & future

kitty!, fic rec, political stuff

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