gotta admit, I don't have my ducks in a row

Jul 08, 2021 23:53

I had to fight hard the impulse to call out - wasn't sick, just tired, and felt like I could actually sleep more (which doesn't often happen mornings anymore). But! As I'm planning to take next week off to go do the family visit thing, it wasn't really fair not to show up to get as much accomplished and out of the way as possible.

I spent the day trying to get things caught up & dealt with - my day wasn't terribly improved when The Big Cheese's second in command showed shortly after 9:00 with no warning to meet with someone from our insurance company for a brief interview and some filming of the plexiglass boxes in the lobby - I guess they paid for them? and want to do some PR stuff based on that. So they went off and talked for a while, then came back out and he took some video of the lobby area, and probably me; I was working, so not really watching where his camera was pointing. At least my mask sorta matched my shirt? *g* Then he went out to do some outside-of-the-building shots, and maybe when there's a finished video we can see how awful I look.

I was supposed to meet thessaliad for lunch - I was looking forward to getting out of the office for a bit; sadly, it didn't happen. I got a call about an hour beforehand, saying she was sick. Somehow, I was not terribly surprised. Since my lunch plans got cancelled, I skipped eating. This was a bad idea, as staff kept dropping 'just one more thing' on me, most of which needed to be dealt with before I vanished on vacation. I spent the day bouncing from one task to another, and my ability to flex seemed less than usual; not sure why, as there weren't too many weird or terribly complex things, just the volume/variety made it feel a bit much. The extra pressure was probably cause I won't be in next week. I didn't leave the office until 5:30 - abt three hours longer than most of the days I've been working lately. I was dog tired (and starv-ed) But! I got just about everything important done, and the rest will obviously wait. I'm guessing I'll probably have to put in extra hours next week to catch up again. bummer

Many snoots of all sorts being booped

As a bit of a tie-in with Marvel's Black Widow, here's a listicle of Eight Fun Facts About Black Widows - According to a comic published in 2019, Avengers founding member Natasha Romanoff earns the codename Black Widow because she works “like the deadliest of spiders, easily escaping notice until it is far too late.” Black widows have a notorious place in the popular imagination as frighteningly inconspicuous, highly venomous creatures that can kill a person with one bite. But the little arachnid’s reputation has been blown out of proportion. To help you better separate fact from fiction, here are eight amazing details about black widow spiders.

Question of the Day
When someone knocks on the door, who do you think it is?
God? unless I'm expecting a delivery, I'd have no clue. my friends don't just drop by and my family is all out of town, so it's usually someone peddling their brand of religion, or wanting to sell me something random (like the tamale guy a couple months back)

Well, this won't go over well in some parts of the country. Two National Experts Declare Portland the Best Pizza City in America - Portland might be over but, hey, at least the pizza’s still good.

rattlecatcher sent me just a link in an e-mail - subject: okay... Once I read the original tweet, and some of the comments, I had to vent a tad: talk about really reaching for things upon which to judge others! I'm with the commentator who said: "I mean she can wait all she want ain’t gonna be none left for her cuz I’m eatin that bread hot" - she can sit there not being tacky, while I chow down on the nicely steaming fresh bread. problem solved - she won't be tempted to be tacky, cuz it's all gone!

Her reply: 97% of people are wrong, okay...

To which my only possible response was I hope she and the other 3% 'right' people are happy in their breadless state

An assortment of wonderful cat photos for all moods

An interesting, though fairly surface, examination of possible origins for the phrase - I would have liked a broader exploration of coded language. Are You a Friend of Dorothy? Folk Speech of the LGBTQ Community - Whatever its origins, “friend of Dorothy” illustrates several of the most important functions of folklore that serve members of the LGBTQ community. The phrase helped to maintain the stability, solidarity, cohesiveness, and identity of the group within the larger culture at a time when those qualities were much needed.

Per my sister: hauled in buckets of rocks to dig & drive and crash in
put up shade to prevent sunburn & Teddy will happily be out there for hours
sort of like our old sandbox for fun
(our sandbox was an old semi truck tire, which held tons of river sand, and gave you a good place to sit while digging)

The Avengers fic rec:
Reformed Assassin Bucky Barnes by
Summary: He isn’t in the habit of picking up strays and he isn’t about to start now. He remembers enough of a life from many years ago to know that picking up trouble-prone blonds isn’t a habit he ought to be falling back into.

Unfortunately, trouble finds him anyway.

He’s cutting down the side-street that leads to the shop when he hears the sickening sound of fist-on-skin contact, and he rounds the corner to find tall-blond-and-trouble in a literal back-alley brawl with four guys nearly as big as he is. They’re wearing black and white-striped Adidas tracksuits, and Bucky hears at least one of them call the blond guy ‘bro’ in a thick Russian accent.

Bucky’s not going to get involved.

He’s not going to get involved, right up to the point that one of the tracksuit thugs pulls a gun out of the back of his pants and releases the safety, and Bucky realizes that he is going to get involved because he’s not going to let anybody get shot in broad daylight if he can help it.

Fuck’s sake.

OR - escaped, former assassin Bucky Barnes accidentally makes friends with a blond disaster. It goes about as well as expected.

nomelon made some recs, and this really grabbed me. action, humour, great interactions between the characters, all of which made me wish it were much much longer

acme, teddy, fic rec, meme

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