what about all the plans that ended in disaster?

Jun 06, 2021 23:56

Olivier has the worst timing - he generally joins me shortly after I go to bed, and stays for varying lengths of time, but usually does leave at some point. He may or may not return during the night, though more than once I've half-woken to discover him next to me again. But he's damn good at coming back shortly after I wake up, but before I actually get out of bed - so he'll settle in purring and then I feel trapped, and incredibly guilty if I must shift him so I can get out of bed.

A lot of times, when folks in the Administration are interviewed, they seem to be standing (sitting?) outside on the grounds, with the White House as a backdrop. It's photogenic and a clear reminder who they're speaking for, but that seems really really odd to me - do they honestly trot outside for media interviews, or is that a screen? The last one I saw was an interview with Psaki, and branches on one of the trees were moving in a breeze, so if it's a screen it's not a static shot.

I got a hint this evening as to what sport the upstairs folks follow when I heard a drawn-out "gooooooooooooooooal" from Gigantor about 8:15 pm. No clue which team (and I don't really give a damn) but while it was annoying, it did satisfy my (very faint) curiosity. There were a few more outbursts of both glee and upset, but nothing as distinctive as that goal call.

All sorts of amazing photos of incredible animals

If you want to indicate a group/collection of the same person (clones, time travel, alternate universe, whatever) how would you do it - the Harry Potters? the Harrys Potter? For some reason I'm leaning toward the latter, but I'm not sure why.

In a recent video, Beau (who has an never-ending variety of T-shirts, usually referencing the topic somehow) was wearing one that made me laugh:
but still want you to stay away from me
Let's talk about Biden's July 4th goal and maps.... (just FYI, the maps are not made of jello)

Wereweovles - something went very very, tragically, wrong with this attempt to type "werewolves". Again, how was that not caught by a beta, or at least spellcheck?

Question of the Day
When you were younger, were you ever in a relationship with someone you now realize was way too old for you?
no, not really. for a couple of months in my early 20s I dated a woman who was at least 10 years older than I; she basically picked me up in a bar, and while we saw each other for a brief period we had nothing in common, and even good sex wasn't enough to keep going. no real relationship or big break-up, just drifting away

I've used a cane since 1998 or so, my great-grandfather's traditional curved handle wooden cane. Obviously, one has to replace the rubber cane tip, and I've done that countless times over the years. I try to have at least one spare in the cupboard, so I'm ready whenever the current one goes. For the first time ever, I got a lemon - bought a 2-pack of Carex tips (a brand I'd used before) a while ago, and the first one didn't last long, breaking down and shredding bits off the edge within a couple months. Once most of the rim was gone, I replaced it - and that second out of the box has started doing the same breaking around the edge thing, again after just a couple months. When I put that second one on, I bought more spares, but of a different brand. I'm not sure if it was just that batch, or if the product has changed, but I think I'll avoid them, at least for a while.

Dogs & cats - before and after adoption pictures

There's a new royal(ish) baby - welcome to the world, Lilibet Diana. I like the names, and their reasons for choosing them. Archie's younger than Teddy, but hopefully he'll step up to the role of Big Brother as well as Teddy did.

I'm no Latin scholar, but from stuff I've read, JKR's 'spells' in HP are fairly rubbish. And even I know that felix is basically luck, so calling a spell felix felicis is pretty much just saying happy luck, which seems especially fail.

j_crew_guy sent me a couple Pride headbands, and I finally thought to try for pictures - one is Pride spelled out in sparkly rainbow rhinestones, and the other is Mickey Mouse-style 'ears' in a rainbow of sequins. Pretty damn fabulous! I took photos of myself wearing both, and Olivier wearing the rhinestones - obviously the band was too large for his head, so it's resting on his shoulders. Too bad he's so fluffy, as it's partially obscured by his floof; the fact that he was struggling to get away probably didn't help with photo quality.

meme, gay

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