Breaking news! Nobody cares

Jun 05, 2021 23:58

Mom mentioned being eager to watch Teddy meet the meal delivery robot, which puzzled me, as she'd provided no clue that there was one. Apparently Dax has been in service delivering food in Philomath and Corvallis (very popular on the OSU campus) for a couple years. The Village has obtained a couple on a trial basis to deliver meals to residents' homes/apartments - they already offer that service on a limited basis, but it takes staff time, so this might help. No idea how it'll work in actuality, but apparently the trial will kick off Monday. Meet Dax, Philomath’s Delivery Robot

Wonderful cats in all sizes - lots of love here

It is June, so of course corporate wooing of the queer community is in full spate - but don't worry, the rainbows will be put away for a year at the end of the month. I probably shouldn't have been surprised to see a banner on the safeway site when starting a new shopping list for next week - PRIDE on a rainbow background, with a note that they're 'Celebrating pride month with our LBGTQ+ associates and customers!' There was a "learn more" link, leading to 'Albertsons Companies Celebrates Pride Month', and 'This month, we’re celebrating Pride and showcasing the stories, perspectives and dreams of some of our amazing LGBTQ+ associates.' with some interviews with some corporate managers. I'm sure they're wonderful individuals, though I must admit I didn't read them - maybe when I go back to add to my list.

Question of the Day
What laundry detergent do you use?
Tide powder - the original stuff. it's what my grandmother and mother used, it works decently, and I see no reason not to continue using it. I do tend to add Oxyclean to some loads to give it a little boost, but that's not really essential

Happy dogs are happy to see you - just *look* at all these smiles!

I dreamed about making a map of the US out of different-coloured jello. As things went on, it became clear that it was going to be a *life-sized* map, and I was wondering just how that would work, and most importantly, how much jello it would take to accomplish. That's when I woke, and I gotta say, I'm still wondering.

That word doesn't mean what you think it does, episode # 603
Not sure how this works - guy's making a salad, "grabbing a parry knife" to cut produce. Normally I'd say a short cooking knife wouldn't be ideal in a knife fight, you want something with a slightly longer blade. And usually a paring knife works best to prep salad ingredients.

So blatantly brazen! It just keeps getting more obvious that the R-Morons are positive nothing will happen to them as they blithely break the law. This guy has been stripped of his committee assignments, and commission appointments were rescinded; hopefully he will be removed from the Oregon House in upcoming weeks. I wonder what this discovery will mean legally, as he already faces criminal charges for letting violent, armed protesters, into the Capitol. Days before Rep. Mike Nearman helped protesters breach Capitol, he coached constituents just how he’d help them do it - A video shows Nearman, a Republican from outside Independence, walking constituents through the step by step process of where to stand, how to text him and what help he would provide that would allow them to break the rules and get into the Capitol during the Dec. 21 special legislative session.

Firefox updated, and now things are just a bit *off* from what I'm used to - nothing major has changed, but I'm not a fan. I can't see a real benefit to the changes I've discovered, so I have to wonder why they were made - change for change's sake is rarely worth it, imo.

political stuff, meme, gay, dreamscape

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