go 'head, envy me, I'm rap's M.V.P.

Jun 03, 2021 00:05

I stayed up stupid late Tuesday night, then couldn't fall asleep once I did go to bed - I clearly remember 3:00 am. So it's not a huge surprise that I didn't get up until almost 9:00; wasn't fully asleep that long, but more drifting/dozing for a long while before giving up and becoming vaguely upright. I meandered to the bathroom except the toilet didn't flush - well, it did, but the tank didn't refill. Then the taps were dry, both cold *and* hot, in bathroom and kitchen, which doesn't make sense to me, as even if a pipe had burst outside, the interior ones from the hot water tank should still work, right? I guess it's a good thing I wasn't sudsed up in the shower when it happened. No notice posted by the door since I came home from work, no e-mail from management; when I called, it turns out that during construction somewhere on the property they had cut/broken a pipe, which is odd as they apparently weren't supposed to be doing anything that could involve the pipes. I'm still not clear on why the hot water didn't work, even if it were a drainage pipe system that was affected, how could they they turn off all those interior pipes?

Got an e-mailed outage notice 30 minutes later, but with no info on how long the outage could last - around 2:00 I tested and there was a little water flow from the tap and the toilet tank had refilled, so that was nice. Took a longish nap and when I got up the water was flowing freely! They didn't send out any notice, so I've no real idea what the idiots did (aside from the little the property manager said in the morning) or what it took to repair, but at least I didn't have to go spend the night at a motel, which I was considering if it went into the evening.

Animal pals - some fairly unexpected. I was struck by # 10 - one doesn't see lions & tigers & bears hanging out all that often.

The cello has long been my favourite instrument, and it was a real treat to have Yo-Yo Ma perform a medley of familiar songs on the Colbert show the other night. It was a repeat from a couple weeks ago - not that I knew that while watching, as I'd missed the initial airing. Such beautiful, peaceful-sounding music. And coincidentally,
misbegotten shared this footage of his debut (at age seven) performing with his sister, Yeou-Cheng Ma, for Presidents John F. Kennedy and Dwight D. Eisenhower .

Tuesday got to around 94F, and even at 12:30 am it was over 70F. That's a more comfortable temperature, though I do prefer it to be a tad cooler for sleeping. It was still 70 at 2:00 am, and though it may have cooled down some in the middle of the night, it was again 70 when I woke at 9:00 am. I think the high was 90F on Wednesday, which meant I spent it feeling warm and sticky at times, though not direly uncomfortable. But I'm glad the forecast is for things to cool off in the coming days. Something closer to 'normal' Oregon weather will be appreciated, thanks!

There's nothing better than being all cozy and comfortable, wrapped in blankies. These cats agree

Advertising for upcoming concerts/shows at an area casino caught my attention because the artists were big hits when I was in my 20s - which means they had to be close to my age. so, I checked: George Thorogood was born in 1950, so he's around 70, and Joan Jett in 1958, so is a year older than I am. There's undoubtedly an audience, a lot of my generation probably enjoyed their music back in the day, but it's still hard to imagine grandparent-aged musicians rocking out.

I guess Wednesday was the start of Fleet Week, though it's all virtual this year. I've no idea just what that means, except there aren't big ships tied up along the river at Waterfront park. I've not really cared much and usually didn't do much to commemorate it (aside from cursing when ships interfered with commutes due to bridges being raised), though back in the day (80s) it was a bigger deal, with more ships arriving, and sailors roaming about town on leave. Especially at night when they could hit the bars; I recall seeing some at a gay bar on occasion - it went two ways, either they turned around and left quickly, or they came in and had fun.

I subscribe to Folu's Unsnackable e-mail reviews of international snacks; her writing style is fun and it's cool to hear about products that sound either awesome or awful. So it wasn't a huge surprise to get an e-mail from "Robinhood Snacks" - gotta be snack-related, and maybe they bought a mailing list. Except no, it's about financial news. I've absolutely no idea how/why they got my addy, but I'm totally not their market!

How Portland’s Queer Culture Scene Got Through the Pandemic-and Where It Goes Now Queerness, and queer culture, can’t simply be quarantined away. Interviews with a number of folks from the local queer community, talking about how they got through the past 15 months, and where they're going now. Even though I've not been actively involved in the queer community for so very long, it's still wonderful to know that it's thriving, and folks are engaged in making things happen.

I was feeling more at loose ends than usual in the evening, and texted
rattlecatcher "I'm bored. Dance, monkey, dance!" - unhappily, our phones (or maybe robots) then conspired to prevent us from chatting, but she informed me that the robots go bowling on Thursdays, so we'll shoot for a natter then. I did not know that was their bowling night, but why not?

This cat is judging you harshly

By the Line That Keeps You Tethered by
Summary: Eliot is not sick, he's fine, okay?

classic h/c - Eliot's *fine* but Hardison and Parker do some caretaking anyway. the banter is so them

kitty!, fic rec, meme, gay

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