what's new, Pussycat?

Jan 01, 2020 11:51

I posted today's post literally in the middle of the night, but it felt weird not posting this 'morning' - so here, have some randomness and more Yuletide recs.

I wasn't able to fall back asleep until around 4:00 am, and even then it was some seriously unrestful rest; I remember turning over half-awake over and over again. My body finally demanded I move around 10:45 - at which time I awoke in a half-panic that it was even later, and I'd be late (for something), until I realized that it was a holiday and so I hadn't missed an appointment. And then I could barely hobble - the past couple of days my knee has been exceedingly painful, especially after a night of limited movement. It takes a while before that eases, which means getting anywhere is filled with 'ow ow ow' noises.

things wot I have googled recently (a partial list):
Blood and Sand
push knife
Ape Hangers

I'm desultorily watching the Winter Classic - having no real investment in either team means it's more background noise than holding my focus. I'm not sure why, but I guess I'm kindasorta rooting for the Preds more; I mean, I like Segs lots, but have never been all that interested in the Stars as a team.

Due to the even later-than-usual start in reading, I obviously missed posting all my Yuletide recs prior to the Reveal, but here are the last.

Raffles fic rec:
Ubi sunt gaudia by
Summary: Raffles and Bunny escape London for a peaceful Christmas holiday together in the countryside.

what a charming escape to a lovely countryside vacation! (annoying of MacKenzie a bonus)

Scenes from an Italian Restaurant fic rec:
In an Italian Restaurant by
Summary: Anthony Christiano didn’t realize he had a problem until the day he saw his daughter looking out the front window of the restaurant that bore his family name.

a look at what matters and what lasts, in a family restaurant a life-time from now

Singin' in the Rain fic rec:
Where There Is Laughter, Happiness Likes to Be by
Summary: Cosmo loves to "make 'em laugh". Sometimes this can have unexpected, but pleasant, results.

a sweet happy ending is just what Cosmo deserves!

Some Like It Hot fic rec:
cacio e pepe by
Summary: It turns out that having the right name and piles of cold hard cash means you can buy almost anything. Happiness, however, isn’t for sale, but Daphne is lucky enough to know the recipe.

zowie! I was instantly grabbed by the wonderful DaphneJerry characterization, then compelled to stay by terrific Osgood. the slow development of an OT4 kinda surprised me (I hadn't checked the tags) but it's honestly exactly the way things would have played out with this four.

Slings & Arrows fic rec:
Geoffrey Tennant and the Cursed Play by
Summary: Geoffrey has to direct a production of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

He is, you can imagine, thrilled.

this is a work of pure and absolute genius! I'd share the good bits, but that would pretty much be the whole story. go, read! you will not regret it

Sports Night fic rec:
A Little Respect by
Summary: As far as slow burns went, this one was like an Olympic Torch that never went out.

oh, the pining! and that snappy banter that is a hallmark of SN - I loved this story's everything

Temeraire fic rec:
the becoming garb of a gentleman by
Summary: “Oh, yes,” said Temeraire. “Laurence has several robes from the Emperor’s court already; I was rather thinking of something more modern. It has been so very long since he bought himself anything fine. He says he sees no need for it, now that he is no longer an admiral, but he is after all still a prince; sometimes I think he forgets.”

Temeraire commissions a set of clothing for Laurence. Post-canon.

Temeraire has Opinions on what's befitting Laurence's status and worth, and will do what he can to ensure that it happens

Ship's Gossip by
Summary: Laurence is beginning to enjoy life as a privateer - though he cannot figure out why Tharkay should still be sailing out with them - when Temeraire decides to ask him about sodomy.

just beautiful - their voices and attitudes are so in character, and Laurence's reflection felt true to the character

Measure for Pleasure by
Summary: While in China, Temeraire visits a very special sex shop.

Temeraire has a gift in mind for Laurence. I couldn't help cackling through much of this - I bet you will too

Victor Victoria fic rec:
Unexpected by
Summary: This whole trip to Paris had been nothing like Squash had expected - even with all the varied things he’d done on behalf of Mr. Marchand over the years. While his boss would probably claim that the trip went off the expected rails when he became obsessed with Count Victor, for Squash it was meeting Mr. Todd.

a delightful story, focused on a character most often overlooked

Wiseguy fic rec:
Nobody Ever Made You a Monster by
Summary: He walked right up to the bartender and said, “I’m looking for Terranova.”

“Uh-huh. So was Christopher Columbus.”

“Oh, good,” Frank said. “You’re funny. I was worried I wasn’t going to meet anybody funny today.”

so so good at capturing character voices, and Frank's reaction to the surprise is note-perfect

Winnie-the-Pooh fic rec:
In Which Pooh Hunts for the Meaning of Christmas by
Summary: Pooh finds a mysterious envelope pinned to the door of his house.

when you have a mystery, it's best to check with everyone to try to resolve it

fic rec, hockey

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