1) Razzle's first "trial experience" WAS A BLAST! What a fun guy!! WE entered USDAA Intro FEO and he seemed to just love it and I'm so glad we did this---how much fun to start his trialing experiences with no stress and with a toy and just being able to play at competition stuff.
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We learned he has a nice startline and table, that we need to give clearer, way earlier cues...
The disembodied "Go!" voice momentarily perplexed him.
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Why they put the box right there for the baby dogs I don't know, but I'm glad they did.
B did not actually want to give up any of this weekend's runs with him to me, but she did let me run snooker both days... and ha! thank you Razzle---I may actually have to learn how to be a good handler (and also call the right dog by the right name, and then recover from that screwup and call the right obstacles by the right names)
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also always have a plan b in mind when a bar gets knocked in the opening... first day the judge was letting intro dogs finish their screwed up snooker runs, second day, nah---he wanted to get outta there---but I loved this opening with him.
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This was also Razz's first time camping out with us in a tent and it turns out he is a Major Cuddler. So sweet. He couldn't believe his luck that he was actually spending the night in this giant pop-up crate WITH his people and he could sometimes curl up with me and sometimes B and every few hours give one of us a couple kisses, wag his tail, and go right back to sleep. Good boy.
Stella was also no-pressure entered Intro FEO--and this was a last minute idea but turned out to be a brilliant decision. WE HAD A BLAST!!! well, first there was the issue that B did not want to run Stel at all. She told me Stel is no fun and being the mom I said, well now that you have said that you have to run her and make it fun... a little sulk and then wow. there is hope...
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That's Razzle screaming bloody jealousy in the background when Stella gets to the table--he's in his crate in the car set back on the other side of two fences but it sounds like he is about to break out charge across the ring and shove her off the table---so much so she has a hard time concentrating on a down...
But, really Stella was so UNstressed before she ran
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and even tugged ringside like a WILDchild
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I wish Stella was like this at trials ALL the time---our little chocolate muppet firecracker...
B thanked me: I'm glad you got me to run her, that WAS fun