ok... this from Steve Agilitynerd is pretty clear and wow even two jump international-ish exercises I can even take to Prospect Park in my golf shoulder caddy!!!!
I also fully trust that the "american style" course options won't be going anywhere. I don't think, with the way our sport is set up here, we can get rid of those options and still have a sport. And I don't think that's a bad thing... the options are fantastic.
But that is just it, we need more options... and so far it seems we are on the path to getting them. :)
You've already found all the links that I have about it. I don't see this as a bad thing, but any change will get people into an uproar. I like the "bark really loud" solution. :-)
it doesn't seem like a sudden change... i mean i think my teachers have been incorporating some of these things little by little in their class sequences and not saying tadah! international handling!!!! just handling...
That's true for me too. Though my first instructor was big on the "the dog should take the obstacle in front of them unless otherwise instructed" and that's going out the window. Not a problem for my dogs, since Riley is too velcro to do that, and Jodah never trained with her anyway (we had a more international-style trainer when I started him).
International style course are really fun to run and I enjoy trying to train and handle the "new" moves. I also find "regular" agility is plenty challenging and open to new ways of training and handling so I'm just happy to have more options.
Comments 16
team small dog:
forget that.
and as for keeping your eye on your dog, GONE... It's ok, you can teach them to bark real loud, then you'll always know where they are. :)
But that is just it, we need more options... and so far it seems we are on the path to getting them. :)
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