(no subject)

Mar 08, 2007 14:03

I'm almost embarrassed to write anything here, since I'm sure most people think I've dropped off the planet. I'm going to try to be better at updating, I promise. Over at mfuwss there's a long and complicated round robin going on and I'm next in line to write a chapter, so that's the best excuse for procrastinating here for a while that I can think of - have to let the brain cells cogitate . . .

The trouble with being a retired person is that you end up taking on more than you ever did when you worked full time, but it's all in bits and pieces here and there. People think my life is idyllic and peaceful, which it is, mostly, but in order to maintain that idyll, I have to keep on top of everything, which hasn't exactly been happening lately.

BUT nine months after her house fire, yesterday my M-I-L finally moved into her new little cottage. I've spent the last few weeks chasing workmen, hanging curtains, trying to fathom out what M-I-L *really* wants - example conversation while making up her new bed:

Me (admiring lovely new duvet cover and sheets): Doesn't it look pretty? All you need now is a nice valance round the bottom to cover the base.

M-I-L: Oh I'm not going to bother with one of those. It's fine the way it is.

Me: Are you sure? It would finish it off.

M-I-L: Yes, quite sure - they're too much bother. It's a pity I didn't get a mattress cover though. I think I should.

Me: I'll get you one in town later and we can put it on before you go to bed.

Later, when I return from town with a mattress cover.

M-I-L: That's not what I wanted.

Me: Yes it is, you asked for a mattress cover.

M-I-L: No I didn't. I wanted one of those valance trims to cover the base. A nice white one to match the duvet.


nakeisha has a personality test on her LJ and since I've been spending time re-learning about the Myers-Briggs tests and enneagrams etc in the course of my study, I gave it a try. Despite a very few questions, it actually got my type right and apparently it's rare too (although not as rare as yours, nakeisha. I think all the types can be classed as rare since there are sixteen to choose from!
This is me:
Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP)

Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive.

Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.
How Rare Is Your Personality?

Oh, and the Spring icon is because my garden definitely thinks it's Spring.
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