Feb 14, 2006 22:00
has been hectic! I hardly get on here to update because 1- dial up sucks and 2- I am too busy. Anywho... I have been working loads of over time, I actually have over 100 hours on this pay check. School has been crazy but I am starting to bring up my grades, and Daphne is getting too big and in too much trouble. LOL. She will probably be walking here in a few weeks because she holdso n to her walker and puches it around the house. She has 8 teeth now too! :D She also started saying mama on Sunday! There is loads of other stuff that she does but too much too list. It hard to believe that here in a few months my BABIE will be 1!!! OMG! Well Charlie is coming down this weekend to spend some time with her and I am happy about that, Daphne just gets upset when he leaves. So last time he left his jacket with her! It was sweet and had me in tears. Honestly for a while there I was hoping things would work out between us because I would love for them too and told him we would see what happens, but I realized there is too much water under the bridge. I can not deal with Monica. I mean I had even told Charlie if he was to get full custody of him and monica's babie and we worked out I would want it to look at me as its mother and would treat it as my own if she signed over all rights, but That is not going to happened. I do not want Daphne around all that crap and it did it for sure when her and her friends started sending me rude slandering emails about me and also talking bad about Daphne. Pf course i did not re[ply back to any after teh first one but I called Charlie up and told him that was exactly why we could not be... that Monica would only cause us greif and Daphne was not going to be exposed to all her craziness. I felt bad because I know Charlie loves me but I have come to the realization that no matter how much 2 people love one another that does not mean it is Gods will for them to be together....Sometimes 2 people just can not be together and have to look out for what is most importatnt to them... and that is Daphne. So we are doing good at getting along except for on our moody days. I started dating Chris and told Charlie that I am. He seemed upset to start off with, but now he said he just wants me to be happy. Its nothing serious between us and we only see each other like maybe once a week for a movie, bnut I thought I should tell Charlie. We both have always told one another everything. So that is pretty mucg the sum of everything. Maybe I will get a chance to write in here more and update on everyone elses LJs. Me and Daphne love you all! Toodles for now!