Feb 02, 2004 21:45
after school today me char wes and sarah went to corey's new house. its really nice. we ate and then wes and corey played us music because thats just how we do. then coreys mom said the funniest thing, it was funny just because its his mom. the night before she was talking to corey and telling him not to have sex but if he does to be careful and then she was like, don't be silly, wrap your willy that woman cracks me up.
then i came home for a little while and then me and melissa went back over coreys because they wanted us to meet their girlfriends. they're nice girls. then me and melissa walked home around 9 and there was so much ice. we slipped a few times, so we decided to walk in the street. i keep slipping on the ice. i feel like a fool. heh.
itsnameissteven: you have some good spelling
another mix tape: are you being sarcastic?
itsnameissteven: no
itsnameissteven: because i have horrible spelling and i thought i would let you know
i thought that was funny because, i myself am a horrible speller. but thanks steven.