Nov 06, 2009 18:16
I never post on here anymore.
It's because my life is boring and pointless. (It's true! I do absolutely nothing.)
School is dumb. Only three more semesters to go!
Ran into some friends from high school today, which was exciting. I haven't seen them in three years!
I don't feel like writing in paragraphs.
Margery and I are trying to do NaNoWriMo together this year. We haven't done much for it yet; we took a while to get started. Since she's up at school in Pennsylvania we've been "rp-ing" the scenes back and forth over AIM. It's actually really fun. And we don't argue over prepositions and things the way we do when writing a scene together n person.
(Oh, wait. That was a paragraph.)
I had to help my mother make hundreds of cupcakes AGAIN for the third time in like, a few months.
What am I even talking about anymore? D:
Cupcakes are so annoying.
(But tasty.)