Oct 31, 2005 20:05
im so bored today, and im ready for christmas!! its not even november yet!
yesterday after church me sis and christy went to a yardsale up north, and i was wearing my garth glasses around just to be goofy. i found an antler headband and decided that it would look nice with my dork glasses, so i bought them, and i was cracking up the lady that was selling it. she said my glasses made me look very studious! hehe!! before we left though, christy wanted to get some fabric so all three of us actually went back and bought more stuff for a second time. when the lady saw that i was back, she came up to me with these cool 80's purple shoe strings, and she put them on my purse and said that if i put them in my tennis shoes, it would look perfect with my glasses and antlers!! it was so cute! so when i went to buy my stuff, the price of everything was like a dollar, and she looks at it and shes counting, but then she goes, ... hmm, how about 75 cents for everything, so i was like cool shes giving me a discount because she loves me so much. i hand her a dollar and she gets out my change, but has 50 cents in her hand and looks at it, then kinda shrugs, like why not? and hands me back 50 cents! it was so cute!!
and she knew its not like i wanted to save money or anything because i had earlier bought a 15 dollar omer seamon painting. yea thats right, omer seamon!! okay most of you probably dont know who im talking about, but hes an artist that lived in terre haute. he died not too long ago. my dad laid carpet for him and was good friends with his adopted son. there are tons of his paintings on rose hulman campus, and i just love them! so when i see them other places i kinda spaz because it makes me happy. i told sis when we were walking around that i would really love to have one, but itd be alot of money. then like a week later we see four of them at the yard sale! theyre not originals, but theyre signed by him, i bought one and its pretty! so im happy! yay!
i wish i lived in a more lively neighborhood because it would be fun to hand out candy to the trick or treaters, but only like five kids would come here! when i was in the second grade, me and my sister gave candy to them, and we also made a jack o lantern, but didnt take out the pulp. we told the kids that if they werent scared they could stick there hands in there and there might be candy, but there might not be! it was so funny, i think only like three kids actually did it, but it was worth the look on there faces!! sigh... good times.
well i hope everyone else is having a nice halloween. the costume party went great, by the way, and everyone laughed at us! kayleigh and i were wayne and garth from waynes world!! if you havent seen that movie, go watch it!! i like to recruit that movie because its comic genius.
everyone should post a comment to tell me what there favorite movie is!
love ya!