I’m stunned. As in the “OMG this is really real” stunned. I mean…LOOK at this gorgeousness! (pic I have permission to share under the cut)
Front Cover of Light In A Dark World Anthology by Skyla Dawn Cameron
Made by wonderfully talented cover artist (and author!)
Skyla Dawn Cameron (who by the way is still alive but currently unavailable as she has no connectivity for another week or so), this is the proof sent to me by the art department for my anthology, Light in a Dark World (coming from Mundania Press January 2012).
I can’t stop staring at it. The font is perfect. The image is gorgeous. The feeling it evokes in me matches what the book will contain.
And that’s my name on the cover. I mean…that’s my NAME on the cover! O.O And the back cover? Just as gorgeous. Really. The spine, too. The whole thing is just phenomenally beautiful.
Thank you, Skyla. Thank you,
Mundania Press. Thank you, Niki Browning.
I will now go and have a shot of tequila.
What? I NEED IT!
Originally published at
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