There's been a bit of a snag with the new shiny. The new website is 98% done, but there's a problem with the internet connection my webmistress uses, and that's kind of important. We're looking at a setback anywhere from "two to ten days" according to her provider, but we'll see what they say on Monday.
Almost there!
I've been getting lovely notes from a lot of people asking if "All Wounds" is going to become a novel or series of novels.
The answer to that is...well...theoretically hopefully yes, it will be. There is a completed manuscript with my editor, and official word at the moment is: "we are just tinkering it and making it perfect before the whole thing goes out on submission. It's definitely going out!"
So, there is's just a question of "when"! Hopefully "when" and not "if".
I do want to take a moment to thank those people who've taken time to comment on my journal or send me an e-mail telling me how much they enjoy my work. Readers like you truly keep me writing, and I genuinely appreciate your support.
I am, to both confirm and quell rumors, working on a second novel set in the Stranger Things world, but at the moment it's for my own indulgence and not anything "official". I'm also back hard at work on the first of the Key To Hell Chronicles, which is again for my own indulgence and nothing "official".
The next "official" thing I can announce is that my short story, "Deliver Us From Evil" is coming out September 22, in the anthology The Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance 2 or, as it's called in the UK, Love Bites:
US Cover
UK Cover
The story introduces Marcos, a very sexy guy who has been a bit naughty (which is just the way we like 'em, right?). I hope you'll enjoy reading him as much as I enjoyed writing him!
That's all I have for now! More as it develops!