The Holiday Card Post 2014

Nov 20, 2014 12:36

Originally published at Dina James. Please leave any comments there.

(I’m totally recycling this holiday post. Like I do with the decorations!)


My Sithmas Tree. It’s a black tree with red lights and a Darth Vader nightlight for a topper.

Okay, yes…I’m one of those people who started humming Christmas songs back in October. I know, I know. But I really love the holidays. Halloween used to be my favorite holiday until I came out of my Goth closet and could dress how I wanted to every day of the year and not care about being seen as a freak (for the record, I was 25), but now Christmas is my favorite.

Thanksgiving, however, is not to be overlooked. I mean, a foodie like me ignore a holiday that’s all about FOOD? PIE? LOTS AND LOTS OF PIE?! (Not to mention leftover pie!)

Anyway, what was I writing about? I mean, before my stomach started doing the writing? Oh, yeah! The holiday spirit!

Here’s the deal: I’m making my holiday card list, and lo and behold, I’m actually managing to do this in a timely manner for once in the last *mumblemumble* years! (I blame all the DeGothening I had to endure this year.) Hopefully by the time I get the list done and cards mailed, I’ll be right on time!

In order to make sure of that, I’m setting a deadline for you all.

If you want to be on my holiday card list, post a comment on this entry (on my website, not the mirrors) by Wednesday, December 3rd with your snail mail addy (don’t worry, these will be screened!) or e-mail dina [at] dinajames [dot] com with it and I’ll send you a holiday card. International is okay!

If you got a card from me last year, you’re likely still on my list, but if you’ve moved, don’t want one this year, or otherwise changed your address, let me know! I keep the list for subsequent use year to year (like this post!), but I realize people move about and change names and such.

If you’re feeling in the holiday spirit yourself and would like to return the favor, here’s my address:

Dina James
5 N Hwy 101 #360
Warrenton, OR 97146
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