Mar 22, 2007 23:18
I was telling Spin the other night about how I still hadn't gotten over the fear of my elementary school bully. We're all grown-ups now, right? Apparently this person doesn't remember the bullying (actually she curiously stopped remembering the bullying in middle school, and actually changed her name- WTF?). On my end the result was trauma. I remember the repeated "pouncings"- mind you 'pouncings' not to be confused with 'jumpings'. "Pouncing" refers to an act executed by a blood-thirsty predator and implys waiting and premeditation of the ripping apart of so called 'prey.' (Prey = Me)
I can remember being in a cold sweat; looking left and right. Was the moon-climber safe? The tires? Monkey bars? Then it would happen- POUNCE! *Punchpunchpunch, stabstab, beatbeatbeat, swipe!* -My lunch money, my long awaited swing on the swing set, my ice-cream cone, my anything, and it was GONE! Just like that. I don't even remember how it started. I just looked into the beast's eyes and it hated me and wanted everything that was mine and would stop at nothing to get it for the rest of my miserable existence.
Anyway, out of the blue this person asks to join my friends list on Facebook TM. Sure, why not? I’m a forgiving person.
Well, this x-bully is really pushy about hanging out together and sends me repeated messages...and some friends of hers whom I don’t know want to be my friend too…Uh...Okay. After further examining this person's photo album I find that I am still mortally afraid of the face with the pupil-less glowing eyes that seems to stare derisively out of every picture, seemingly at ME; at college graduation *glaring*; at a party *glaring*; at a poetry reading *GLARE!!*. Now I return to see that this person's profile picture has been changed to just a single glaring EYE!? WTF?
So yeah, I invited evil into my facebook. Now I’ll never sleep.