Aug 31, 2005 01:24
It's 1:24am, and I haven't been "home" since 4 or something.
My next update/reply to comments will probably be from The Cellar, as the cable's supposed to be getting hooked-up today. I will say that I will really miss this house, typing in a room that echos, and singing to iTunes/internet radio at the top of my lungs. I will dearly miss the acoustics of this room; they're beautiful. I was thinking not too long ago that I should do some recording in here, but I guess I won't be now. I will also miss pirouetting (sp?) on the hardwood floors and pretending that I'm a pretty lady who dances in pretty dresses.
I'm going to miss the old beatup couch. It's the one thing I wanted from the house, and the one thing I was told wouldn't fit. Thanks, Al. I might take the dresser from mom's room because it's one of those family heirloom antique thingies, and I need a dresser. It'd make me really, really uncomfortable using it though.
I still think it's weird that my mom is dead. It seems more realistic when I type it or say it out loud- not in a "Sorry for your loss"/"Thanks" conversation, but saying "My mom is dead" out loud to myself.
I think I'm also going to take the braided rug out of this room and put it in my new bathroom. It's a nice rug; I hope the bathroom floor is clean enough for it.
Today I felt like a spoiled rich kid (which I am not, dammit) curled up in my papasan chair in my supersoft perfectly white bathrobe agonizing over how disgusting the main bathroom is. The roomside-wall of the bathtub kinda lurched when I pushed my leg against it while taking a shower this morning. The floor of the bathtub is splotched with brown. There are more razors (with prickly hairs stuck in them) than razor-using residents. There are hair ties littering the bathtub. Eww, eww, ewww. At least the water was hot.
Oh God.
It's borderline white-trashy.
I hate saying that about my brother, who is pretty awesome, but it's true. It's fucking disgusting; I don't know how I'm going to survive living in conditions like that for the next year-and-a-half-plus. Maybe if I get up really, really early or just leave after dinner or something, I'll be able to shower over here. That'd be nice.
I suppose the big question is whether I should bring it up to Al/Lynn or not. I really don't want to offend them since they've really been great to me- buying me all sorts of stuff and making me feel comfortable and the like- but really, Lynn is home for 3+ days a week, and bitches when she has to work a full six hours.. you think she'd have time to make the fucking main bathroom look decent? Or just sanitary?!
I think I'm tired enough to stand sleeping now.