American by birth.

Aug 30, 2005 16:34

Dear everybody,

I am leaving the fucking country for a year. Or a semester- I haven't decided yet, but I will decide this week.

If I go for a full year, I would be leaving for Australia in February. None of the other countries with full-year programs that fit my desired schedule are French or English speaking, or veggie-friendly. Thailand would be my second choice, but as I recall Thailand is currently the scene of some huge Muslim uprising and not somewhere Americans would be exactly welcomed right now. New Zealand, which is not veggie-friendly apparently, would be pretty cool too. New Zealand makes me think of llamas. I'd like Bolivia too, since it is in South America and I am the queen of Surique! If I was going for a full year, I'd have no troube learning Spanish, I'm sure, since I'd be speaking it pretty much all day, every day. I doubt Bolivia has too great of an education system though..

In other words, Australia wins if I am to go for a year.

If I was only going for a semester, I'd be gone for the first half of senior year, more or less. This is quite convenient, since I won't be missing much then, except for first semester of AP Eng and any other AP class I might take. To me this is not a big deal: being a foreign exchange kid will look really, really good on transcripts. Plus, I fully intend on going to a school in the UK and over there they don't have general ed credits. Ha.

If I spoke Spanish and was not a vegetarian I would go to Ecuador, hands down, because that would involve a trip to the Galapagos Islands. I've wanted to go there with a firey, firey passion ever since I saw that video in Ms. Haag's biology class. I need to learn how to speak Spanish eventually.

Anyways, for semester programs, I'm considering Australia, Austria, or possibly the Czech Republic (apparently some English is spoken there?!), France, or New Zealand. Or Thailand. I still think that's cool.

I wish Switzerland had a semester program, because their education system is awesome. If I wanted to go there, I'd have to go all senior year, and I really don't want to do that.

I'm glad I wrote this, because by doing so I've aided my decision-making process quite a bit. I'm going to make a pro-con list for semester vs. year. I'd LOVE to go for a full year, and you get more for the price, but I would really, really miss my cat.

Maybe if I ask the customs officers very, very nicely and give them a large sum of money, they'll let me bring my kitty.

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