(no subject)

Sep 22, 2006 21:24

Hi folks,

I have not updated in a long time. It’s been a very very busy month for me. So many things are going on at once it’s crazy. I’m still with the lady everything is going really good. She makes me smile it feels good, it’s been a while since I’ve felt good so it’s nice. Right now though I feel bad because my life is completely encompassed around my job. This month we’ve been at the Puyallup fair we have a booth here it’s funny because we don’t even care about the people that show up. We actually do corporate training in this 20x20 unit that we have and it has about 30 people in it during the day time. And we are all sitting inside the unit staring out and the CEO stands out on the walkway teaching us and people that are at the fair for the fair walk by really really confused it’s pretty funny. So yea we’ve been here since the beginning of the month. I work from 6AM-10PM mon-thurs, Sun and 6AM-11PM Fri, and sat. I don’t get much time to spend with Linh and I feel bad because I know she feels left out. I tried explaining why I love working and we’ve come to an understanding that we are different levels in my life but I believe it will work out and I’m not giving up on it. Yea it’s interesting.

I have developed a big picture item. I guess you can say my significance in life and found my mission. So background, before joining this company I was thinking about joining the peace corp or some organization that helps people and changes the world. That is something I’ve always wanted to do. I have a passion for making people smile I have a passion of teaching and making a difference in the world. I thought these organizations were great they were making a difference. Then I joined this company. My company has opened up my eyes to the truth of NGO’s and the truth of the UN. It’s a sad existence and I am setting my life to changing it. I am learning amazing things at this company that no matter where I go I will be the best at that company. And it’s not me being cocky even though I am, but the skills I am learning is unheard of. This opportunity is great and I am loving every minute of it. I sat down with the CEO when I realized my mission and told him, he told me he would help me in whatever way possible and help guide me in the direction to help make a difference. My goal though is to join the UN, I want to be the one that steps in there and changes the entire way of how things are done. It’s a huge leap but this is now my passion, I have always wondered what I am meant to do in this world and I believe this is it. I work a lot and it’s hard at times because my friends and family do not understand why I do it. But the main reason is because I believe I have found my significance in life. I have taken the small box of a world that I was in and expanded it for the bigger picture. I still only have the framework of this painting over the next few years at this company I will slowly begin filling in the lines and paint my significance for everyone to understand. If anyone ever wants to hear it and I would love to get anybodys opinion on my situation and what I am envisioning I would love to sit down and talk about it and hopefully get some guidance on it from my friends and family.

So next month I am taking one my first steps to my dream. I am going to Pakistan. I don’t know when and it’s not set in stone but we will be on call for deployment starting Oct 01. I recently have been working on our Pakistan project the company has been there twice already and this is our 3rd time. WE have sent more shelters to use as homes and we are going to go there and help them set them up. We are also looking to help them plant and provide agricultural assistance, also looking into livestock for them. I have stepped up and right now I call Pakistan at night trying to find the ability to get them the right type of plant and produce for that area.
When I found out that we were going I told my CEO I have to go, I need to go, I want to go. He came back at me and told me before I go I need to sign a waver that says my family will not sue the company if I die. We aren’t going into friendly territory, we are going into the same area where the terrorist in London are from. When you land at the airport there you are surrounded by Pakistanis and muslims caring AK-47’s. Last year they drove through a “Die America” rally drove right through it an hr before them showing up the rally had chased down an American and shot him. This is a very serious country but at this point in my life I belive I need to be there I believe that if I don’t go I will regret that decision for the rest of my life. I want to go help I want to go teach I need to go open my mind to a 3rd world country.

Now saying that I have actually extended the invitation to Al’n. Main reason is because we are doing filming there and if we may be allowing other people to come it might be an opportunity that he could take. We are putting together a documentary we’ve already hired a actual company but I think Al’n might have a bit more talent and a different vision that I think the CEO would appreciate. It’s an opportunity to film in another country but of course you have to look at the situation. I dunno I guess I just want someone else in my life to feel the way I feel and hell I think Al’n could show that through his camera lens as I can voice it through my vocal cords.

So yes, this is my passion this is my life. I try to balance everything but right now I am young and I have enough energy to just work and make money, learn and get it done. You only live once I plan on living it to the fullest.
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