Jul 28, 2006 22:43
Ok, so I have some news for you guys. Roger, one of the guys from karaoke, and I are dating. Thus, I have a boyfriend. Now, if you go into the gaming shop in Mattoon (the one not too far from the train station) or have gone to karaoke at Champs/Toasters, then you might know him. However, I somehow suspect that you will get to know him once school starts. He's a really nice guy so I hope that you like him. He is a D&D and D&D Miniatures player. Thus he is in the geeky/nerdy role that I adore. He was also in the military. Is about a year younger than me (one year and nearly two months as I like to teas him), lives in Mattoon, grew up in this area, and has an awesome Dad. Oh, and he is extremely skinny. So I think that about sums him up without going into too much detail and making you all want to gag. However, I am extactic but feel a little weird to have a boyfriend again. Ok, time for bed since I work early in the morning.