Jul 14, 2006 23:20
So last night I got completely trashed. I can't even remember everything that happened. Apparently I was giving Mike a lap dance and at one point grabbed someone's hand and put it on my chest since they kept staring at my boobs. This is according to others, so I don't know whether they are exaggerating or not. What I do know is that I threw up ALL over the side of Jared's truck. And since we were going down the road, it splattered into the truck and onto Mike, Barry, and Chain. I also know that they had to force me to get out of the grass because I didn't want to leave when the grass smelled so good. And as I was going up the concrete stairs that lead from the parking lot to the sidewalk, I counted them before and then while I was climbing them. However, I do not remember how I managed to get from the bar to the truck or quite a bit of the occurrences at the bar. When I got home, I decided to take a shower because I was gross from getting sick. Unfortunately, while I did remember to shut the bathroom door, I did not remember to shut the shower curtain. Thus my bath rug is soaking wet, and there was water all over the floor. Also, when I decided to eat some crackers, I couldn't get the bag open and so I just ripped the thing, sending crackers all over the kitchen. Oh and I managed to dump half of my nightstand onto the floor as well. Amusingly enough, I've heard the Mike and Barry were playing rock, paper, scissors to see who was going to help me out of my corset since I usually can't do it myself. Somehow, I did manage to undress myself for the shower. I also did manage to dress myself afterwards. Oh, and when I asked one of the boys to bring me a pair of pajamas, I apparently told them the wrong drawer. I said the third drawer, which was my underwear drawer, not the second drawer which has my pajamas in it. Thus, poor Jared, was faced with all of my undies. Lol. Actually, I owe the boy BIG time for everything he did for me last night. He was very sweet and very helpful, and had he not been there I'm not exactly sure what would've happened to me. I feel so bad because I threw up on his truck, and then some asshole keyed it. Some people are really freaking immature, I mean that's some highschool bullshit there. Oh let's go key someone's car, let's go egg a house, I mean come on and grow up already. Well, there is more to the story, but I will have to tell that stuff in person. I am really glad that Mike came down and that Jared was able to get off of work. I do regret that I must go Sunday and face the karaoke crowd after I made such a spectacle of myself. I actually managed to break my glasses, and currently have one hell of a sore neck and body from head banging. Allright, I'm outta here, time for bed for this tired and sore girl, thank God I don't get hangovers.