Nov 28, 2005 18:16
I got back from my trip to TO with Martin (which was awesome) and it turns out that Grans had, what they thought, is an inflamed gall bladder. But she had to go get an X-ray today and an ultra sound, just to be sure.
The guy told her that the results would be back in about a week.... 4 hours later they called her back and told her that she has to go see her doctor on Thursday. Grans told me that she saw a big black spot in her lungs on her chest X-ray.
I have no doubt that it's lung cancer and that my grans is going to die.
I don't want apologies, or pity, and I especially don't want any "it's going to be alright"'s....because it's not.
I'm sad and i'm scared and i'm angry. I have no idea how I'm going to last until Thursday when we figure out this whole mess.