How To Use Google To Find Free MP3’s/AVI's

Jul 27, 2007 14:43

В инете наткнулся на интересную и полезную статью. Оказывается в Гугле есть встроенные функции поиска, о которых я например раньше не знал. Если кому-то надо что-то скачать бесплатно, то вот как это можно сделать...

Here is the magic Google search string that you can copy and paste right into Google:
-inurl:htm -inurl:html intitle:"index of" "Last modified" mp3

The goal of that search string is to find indexes of public directories on the internet that contain mp3’s.
It’s time to understand how the search string works. The “intitle” function tells Google to only show us pages that have certain text in the title bar. Since every index page of a directory says “index of” in the title bar, we want to use the intitle function to do that for us. The “-inurl” function tells Google to NOT display results of pages that have certain text in the URL, we could also use the “inurl” function to only include those pages. We only want to see true directory indexes, not pages that pose as directory indexes. Many of those fake index pages are .html and .htm extensions so we will tell Google not to show us those. Lastly we want to tell Google to search for “mp3″ and “Last modified”. Telling Google to search for “Last modified” helps with finding the indexes because every index has that field, and it should be obvious why we’re adding “mp3″ to our search string.

Now that you understand the search string, you can tweak it to be even more powerful. Let’s say that I want to find a specific album, 50 Cent’s ‘Massacre’. All I would have to do is add some search criteria and if the files exist publicly on the internet, Google has probably indexed them. Here’s my search string.
-inurl:htm -inurl:html intitle:"index of" "Last modified" mp3 "50 Cent" massacre

You not only can use these advanced Google search string to find virtually any music you want, but find any files on the internet. Let’s say that I want to find some video, let me see if any episodes of The Office are available:
-inurl:htm -inurl:html intitle:"index of" "Last modified" avi "the office"

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