365 Day Journal Challenge - Day 113

May 22, 2017 14:59

Day 113. Five guys you find attractive.

Isn't this pretty much Day 45. List five celebrities that you’re attracted to just worded differently? Hmmm, maybe not, but I think my answers would be the same.

So... Let's see... Instead I'll post about five actors whose work I really enjoy.

1. Kenneth Colley.
If you've seen The Empire Strikes Back/Return of the Jedi, he's Admiral Piett.

If you've watched British TV or films from the past 55 years, you'll more than likely have seen him a number of times. He was Monty Python's Jesus,

and Return to Treasure Island's Ben Gunn

(left, next to Brian Blessed in the part he was born to play - Long John Silver). Kenneth Colley is amazingly talented. He not only changes who he is and how he looks, but how he stands, how he moves, how he walks...

I fully admit that part of my enjoyment comes from recognising him in something as, even though I know what he looks like, he's still incredibly hard to recognise. One time I spotted him as Potty Peake in The Nine Tailors and I nearly fell off the sofa with excitement.

2. Benedict Cumberbatch.
Yeah, you all know what he looks like but, here, have a pic anyway.

BC's another actor who changes how he stands and how he walks to suit the character. As Sherlock, he's tall and austere; as Steven (in The Last Enemy), he's very hunched in on himself; and as Peter (Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy), he's broad and wide, ready to fight.

3. Sandra Bullock.

I like Sandra Bullock's films so I like her as an actress. I think she - like so many of her fellow stars - has been trapped into playing pretty much the same persona in a lot of her films. But I like that persona so... That's not to say I don't think she's a good actress - I think she's a better actress than she's given credit for.

4. Eddie Marsan.

I first noticed Eddie Marsan as Inspector Lestrade (in the Robert Downey, Jr. Sherlock Holmes film), then as downtrodden Peter (in The World's End), then as blank nobody John Mays (in Still Life). I really disliked his Peter character but I hated what happened to him and no one cared (seriously haaaaate), but I loved the quiet blossoming of John Mays's character. Now, seeing him as Lestrade - all pugnacious, like a little terrier - makes me laugh.

5. Anjelica Huston.

Isn't she fantastic as Morticia (The Addams Family)? I love her in that film. In Ever After though, she plays the wicked stepmother to Drew Barrymore's Cinderella and she is magnificent. Even though she's the villain, I could almost root for her.

films, 365 day journal challenge, tv

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