Title: Black Hole
Author: Dimity Blue
Rating: All
Genre: gen, horror
Word Count: 266 words
Summary:This is how black holes are made.
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on AO3. Black Hole
Qalar stretched out his hand and groped around. It had taken a lot of time to make the hole through which he had forced his hand and arm. The effort, though, paid off. His hand found and closed around a small object, and he pulled it towards him. His hand stuck in the hole, it being too narrow to permit his hand and his prize through together.
He growled impatiently, and twisted his wrist back and forth before yanking as hard as he could, but the material around his wrist refused to give way.
Finally, Qalar released the object, and sat back to think as light from that other universe streamed in around him. If his hand couldn't fit through the gap while holding onto the prize he sought, then he had to find another way. He smiled suddenly, then pressed his mouth to the opening and sucked at it greedily.
He was instantly rewarded. The planet popped through and Qalar crunched it up with his pointed teeth. The molten core at its centre was particularly tasty, and he shivered with delight at the burn. Eagerly, he pressed his mouth again to the hole he'd worn in space and sucked up the matter and anti-matter that poured through.
Finally, there was nothing more to be ingested from that area.
Qalar moved to another part of space and began wearing away at the barrier that blocked his reality from the one on the opposite side. It would take him a long time to break through again, but he didn't mind. The rewards were, after all, worth it.
17th March 2022.