Jul 24, 2021 20:00
24 What's the first thing you do when you get on the computer?
I usually have to reset the clock. The internal battery in my desktop has gone so my computer clock usually stops when the plugs are turned off at night.
What about you guys?
2021 meme,
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Comments 13
I haven't heard of either of those.
That's an excellent reason for liking anything!
Because I share the PC with Mark we each have our own desktop though he doesn't use his very often. To log in he just selects his icon but I have to sign in with a password. I think it's because somewhere in the set up I used my Microsoft account details - no idea! Had that account with my old PC but never needed the password to log on.
Once I'm actually in run Pegasus for my email, Chrome for the web and Microsoft Money if I need to check my banking.
It's actually really old I've been using it for nearly 20 years. Certainly before webmail was widely available. http://www.pmail.com/
Though I do most of my emailing with Gmail these days as I can access that anywhere.
Thanks for the link!
2. Check facebook for any birthdays or extended family news I might have missed.
3. Peruse the free kindle books of the day.
4. Play one of the 3 games I have installed. Lily's Garden is my fave I think.
5. Go to Youtube and to all the music reactor channels I subscribe to to see if they are reviewing any songs I like, ha. Then I listen to 3 or 4 random songs from either classic rock or prog rock or I will listen to and watch some program about quantum physics or Buddhist studies or near death experinces, which I find very interesting.
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