End of the Year Writing Meme 2019

Jan 04, 2020 19:58

Borrowed from thisbluespirit on dreamwidth.

List of Completed Fic:
5 People Whose Lives Changed Because of Cinderella.
(The Slipper and the Rose. Het, missing scenes. Cinderella/Edward. Caroline/John. The other bride/Montague. Words: 1858)

Not Ma'Chello
(Stargate SG1. Gen, missing scene. Words: 650)

Time's Warning
(Stargate SG1. Gen, missing scene. Words: 327)

Out of Step
(Stargate SG1. Unrequited het, missing scene. Words: 396)

One Way the Ambassador Survived, and One Way He Didn't
(Stargate SG1. Het, alternate reality. Sam/Joseph Faxon. Words: 1985)

(Stargate SG1. Het, missing scene. Adrian/Diana. Words: 768)

Change of Plans
(Line of Duty. Unrequited het, missing scene. Words: 647)

Eye of the Beholder
(The Hobbit. Slash, humour. Bilbo/Thorin. Words: 1149)

Crossing the Rubicon
(Stargate Atlantis. Gen, missing scene. Words: 715)

Dear Thorin
(The Hobbit. Slash, humour. Bilbo/Thorin. Words: 3930)

Total number: 10

Total word count: 12,425 words. That's of my finished works. Yikes, that's low!

Ship/character breakdown:
In things that would actually count as romantic shipfic:
And not unrequited.
Cinderella/Edward. Caroline/John. The other bride/Montague. (The Slipper and the Rose)
Sam Carter/Joseph Faxon. (SG1)
Adrian/Diana. (SG1)
Bilbo/Thorin (Hobbit)
Bilbo/Thorin (Hobbit)

Character breakdown is a much longer list, so those who appeared more than once:
Daniel Jackson. (SG1)
Jack O'Neill. (SG1)
Sam Carter. (SG1)
Gen. Hammond. (SG1)
Bilbo. (Hobbit)
Thorin. (Hobbit)

Best title?
Crossing the Rubicon

Best summary?
In which Dáin Ironfoot, Lord of the Iron Hills, shows he has more sense than his cousin, Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain, especially where a certain Hobbit is concerned. Dear Thorin

Best first line?
It wasn't the position but the positioning that was the problem, Willoughby soon realised. 5 People Whose Lives Changed Because of Cinderella.

Best last line?
"I have the finest ube'a in the Tok'Ra," Anise insisted, "but not one look. I think he is a Za'tarc."
"Shut up, Anise. And it's my ube'a*. You are as flat as a libum*."
*Ube'a = bust. Libum = cake.
Out of Step

General questions:
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would last year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
Less! Oh my goodness. I struggled with writing last year. :o( Having said that, I wrote more but didn't finish any of those (yet).

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted the year before?
Stargate SG1. It was a blast from the past to be writing it again.

What's your favourite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
Dear Thorin Dáin was such a delight to play with.

Okay, NOW your most popular story.
Dear Thorin

Story most underappreciated by the universe?
Change of Plans. I'm not surprised. It's a missing scene death fic.

Story that could have been better?
Change of Plans. I wasn't satisfied with it, but I'm rarely satisfied with my own writing. I always feel there's something lacking.

Sexiest story?
Ha! None. I think there's one passionate kiss in the lot.

Saddest story?
Change of Plans. Dot could have been so much more than the patsy he was.

Most fun?
Dear Thorin. I love Dáin! The idea of Dáin galumphing off to the Shire to kidnap Bilbo just couldn't be resisted.

Story with single sweetest moment?
Dear Thorin. Bilbo trying to tell Thorin to just ask him to stay.

Hardest story to write?
Eye of the Beholder. My first attempt writing romance.

Easiest/most fun story to write?
Dear Thorin. I know I keep on going back to it but it really was fun!

Most overdue story?
So many... My poor WIP folder.

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I wrote romance! \o/ I'm not sure romance is my thing.

This year's theme and the story that demonstrates it most:
Stargate SG1 and Not Ma'Chello. It was my first step back into SG1.

What are your fic writing goals for next this year?
Write more! Finish more!

fandom, fanfic, meme

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