Why is this always the default?

Dec 22, 2019 01:37

Why do manufacturers or programmers assume people want the most annoying setting on text programmes? Every single time, in Word, on phones, on Kindles, inputting text leads to a fight between what I want to write and what the programme insists on inserting. Then I have to track down the corresponding setting and turn it off in order to regain control over what the text actually says.

I was leaving a comment on a Hobbit fic on Ao3 and mentioned Nori. The keyboard didn't like that at all. Nori? Obviously a mistake! I obviously wanted the word 'Both'! In another comment, on Reddit this time, mom was obviously min. Gah!

I know what I'm typing! Stop fixing my words! Grrrr!

Technology, I tell ya. This is how the war between mankind and machines will start...with FU Autocorrect.


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