Movie meme - day 28

Jan 25, 2019 17:42

28. A film sequel that doesn't have a number in the title

The Return of the King.

It's the 3rd of the Lord of the Rings films, though you probably already knew that.


In this, Sauron is finally defeated, thanks to Frodo, Sam, and Gollum.

There are so many bits of this that reduce me to tears. Even just towards the end. Sam with his, "I can't carry it (the Ring) for you, but I can carry you!" Sam and Frodo just after that, when Frodo can finally remember The Shire and Sam remembers the ribbons in Rosie Cotton's hair. Aragorn's coronation and his, "My friends. You bow to no one."

And then the ships passing into the west and Annie Lennox's awesome singing.

It's such a good film.

films, movie meme

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