classic house videos

Feb 24, 2010 02:31

A bunch of classic house videos from late 80ies, beginning of 90ies. Chicago, hip-house, and german popular acid beat by Hithouse (with amazing designs a la Mad Max). First two clips are must-see. Enjoy, and let me know if you want more…

Kool Rock Steady -- You Ain’t Nobody (1989)

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Hithouse -- Jack to the sound of the underground

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Renegades -- It’s Got To Be Funky (1991)

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The Project -- Out Of Control DJ International (1991)

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Shawn Christopher -- Another Sleepless Night (1990)

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TDC -- Keep Groovin’ (1990)

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Tyree -- Rock The Discotech (1991)

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Jack ‘N’ Chill -- The Jack That House Built

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We call it acieed

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Lil Louis -- French Kiss

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hithouse, acid house, chicago, chicago house, 90ies, 80ies, house

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